10 Things We Are All Doing To Cope During This Election Result

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SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA – NOVEMBER 09: A man talks his mobile phone in front of banners of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on November 9, 2016 in Seoul, South Korea. South Koreans and Americans have been paying close attention to the U.S. presidential race between Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. (Photo by Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)

2. Call Your Loved Ones

This election tore everyone apart. Some of us screamed and fought with our brothers and sisters, we yelled at our parents, and we all showed our ugliest sides. Now that it’s over, call your family and talk to them. The election is over and there isn’t anything we can do right now to change that but we can at least try and mend what has been broken at home.

Also call those you know supported you and your decisions. Call the people in your life you know are there for you. Though America can seem like it’s against you right now, there are people who support and love you out there.

This election was one where we were all lied to. By the media, by candidates, by people in our lives but now we have to deal with everything that came out of it. We have to rebuild and maybe that starts with mending what it broke.

No one would talk to each other, just scream and fight and we thought that was enough to secure a win for the right candidate but we were wrong. So now we have to start with a clean slate and try and fix what 2016 broke.