Here Are Hillary’s Best Pantsuits From The Past 20 Years

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Hillary Clinton Senatorial Campaign For The Elections Of November 7Th, 2000 In The State Of New York. Aux Etats-Unis, en octobre 2000, Hillary CLINTON en campagne pour les élections sénatoriales du 7 novembre 2000 dans l”Etat de New York. dans une pièce de la Maison blanche, un mug à la main. (Photo by Jean-Louis Atlan/Paris Match via Getty Images)

PANT SUIT SIX: Senate Campaign Chic

Instead of choosing to live a life of comfort and relaxation after eight very stressful years in the White House, Hillary decided to continue her career by running for a Senate seat in New York. Of course, her family fully supported her and helped her campaign as much as possible. Hillary has been a public servant for most of her life and her Senate campaign was just another chance for her to make a difference, this time for the people of New York specifically.

In 2000, Hillary campaigned for a New York Senate seat wearing this chic pantsuit with black blouse trim. It appeared that he pantsuit selection was drifting more traditional. Or maybe the early 2000s style was a little more practical than the 90s. She also toned down her jewelry choices with a simple cross and understated earrings. Is it just me or does this suit bring out the color of her eyes? Oh, they distracted me for a second. In photos like this, it’s easy to forget that Hillary is one of the most famous people on the Earth. As much as Hillary’s life is different than the rest of ours, it’s nice to occasionally remember she is a human too!