Caturday Blogging: 10 Cats Who May Be Smarter Than Donald Trump

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6. A Cat Who Can Win a Shell Game

Meet Kido, a white cat who masters the fine art of the shell game quickly enough to impress his owner, who eventually adds in extra cups. It doesn’t faze him. He picks out the cup with the bell underneath it every time and appears to understand the goal of the game. The video description states that she didn’t previously train him in how to play the shell game.

The comments below contain a serious argument about whether or not Kido is just cheating by using his sensitive ears, but that doesn’t qualify as cheating in our eyes. You use every advantage you have when you want to win.

What might be more impressive, as some commenters argue, is that Kido pays attention long enough to actually win the game.

Politico has an excellent article detailing Trump’s attention span issues. Highlights: he believes that you can over-prep for debates. (The retort from Hillary Clinton? “I prepared to be president,” from the first debate.) A co-author of one of his books, The Art of the Deal, has said that the man’s attention span is so short that “it was almost impossible to have a strategic conversation with him” while writing the book.

Perhaps Kido could teach Trump a little something about listening and focusing on something intently.