39 romantic male characters we’d love to date

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Courtesy of HBO

Big (Sex and the City)

Carrie Bradshaw’s mysterious Mr. Big is one of the greatest television love interests of all time. He was straight forward and told Carrie exactly what he wanted out of their relationship but he also grew with her and learned to love her in his own way.

Sex and the City changed the game for ‘female’ centered television shows. It proved that women could be just like men. We could sleep around and not have attachments and we could do whatever we wanted. With Carrie and Mr. Big, it started off as a relationship where he was married and she was in it for the sex.

As the series went on, he ended up being her confidant, the man she turned to to talk to and someone she could trust. Granted, she didn’t even know his name, but she could really trust him and know that if she needed him, he’d be there.

Big ended up getting Carrie in the end but that doesn’t change the fact that he was still the romantic dream of so many watching Sex and the City. When Big pulled up in the limo and rolled down the window in that beautiful suit? I mean, who would say no to Chris Noth? The answer is no one.