39 romantic male characters we’d love to date

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Courtesy of Disney Channel

Cory Matthews (Boy Meets World)

Boy Meets World was the television show of a generation. It taught all the 90s kids how to be respectful and how to love. And Cory Matthews taught us how boys should treat us. Cory and Topanga have become ‘relationship goals’ for so many over the years because of the way they treat each other. But there is just something extremely special about Cory Matthews.

The sarcastic funny boy with the super curly hair went from a tiny little boy to a grown man who fell in love with his childhood sweetheart and married her. And now he’s teaching at the same school he wrecked havoc in as a kid in Girl Meets World.

The thing about Cory is that we loved him because we learned about love and relationships with him. As he grew, so did we. There is something special about watching someone figure life out and how to love someone as much as he loves Topanga. So it makes Cory Matthews very dear to fans of the show because we watched him learn how to deal with everything he was feeling.

That and he literally dropped everything to go and tell Topanga he loved her and it was still one of the most romantic moments on television ever.