Courtesy of Touchstone Pictures
Edward Lewis (Pretty Woman)
Pretty Woman is the definition of romantic comedy. When you think of a movie that defined a genre, this definitely comes to mind. Following Edward Lewis and his lack of ability to find a woman to love him, he enlists the help of a prostitute named Vivian (Julia Roberts) to play his date.
They end up falling for each other and it is a movie about growth and finding love despite the weirdest circumstances ever but it’s a great film nonetheless. Edward treats Vivian with respect and when he discovers other treating her as anything less than himself, he punches them. Looking at you George Costanza.
The movie is just a great love story because Edward is willing to give her whatever she wants because he finds himself falling in love with her and wants her to have the best life she can possibly have. He literally pulls up to her apartment as her Prince Charming and climbs up a fire escape despite his crippling fear of heights.
In today’s world, a movie like this probably wouldn’t have been made but in 1990 it was free game. And it makes this movie even more special. It doesn’t really paint either of them in a bad light and that’s pretty incredible.