39 romantic male characters we’d love to date

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Screengrab Courtesy of Universal Pictures.

There are those romantic leading men that we love to love and so we’ve complied a list from movies, television and books of 39 of the greatest.

Ever watch a romantic comedy and think to yourself “I want that man in my life?” Ever watch a television show and see a couple fall in love and want that for yourself? Well, we went through to find the best romantic leads out there and put them all in one list.

We live in a world where our romantic male leads are our ideals for real relationships. We see the effort they put into their on screen loves and aspire to find that in our own relationships. So we have decided to try and list thirty one of the best romantic men out there.

Because really, there is never enough lists about these brilliant men. They are the reason most girls look for men who treat them right. After all, we all long to have the kind of relationship that we see idolized on television before us. Especially when it includes grand gestures of love.

Going through television, books and movies, we found the guys we love best and put them on this list. From Mr. Darcy to Jim Halpert, we’ll look at why each man is the ideal and why we love them more than real men in our lives.