How 36 Parks And Recreation Characters Feel About This Election

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Courtesy of NBC

Bobby Newport

Oh boy, Bobby Newport is going and writing Leslie Knope’s name in. This sweet boy definitely thought it was the city council election all over again and just wrote down Leslie Knope under write in. What’s surprising is that he figures out how to do a write in vote.

Or maybe he just spells out a giant L on his ballot. That would make more sense. Or he’d write it across the entire thing. Who knows what he’d end up doing, he’d somehow try and vote for Leslie. Even if it’s a computerized voting system, he’d get her name in there or vote for himself.

Bobby Newport is dumb. There’s no way to describe it. Many people compared him to Trump but that’s an unfair comparison to Bobby. He’s dumb but he’s sweet. Trump is dumb and mean. Trump is Jeremy Jamm, Bobby Newport is a puppy who is just doing whatever his owner says.

So maybe he’ll vote Trump if someone tells him that’s what he should do. Or maybe he just won’t vote at all and think you just have to yell out who you want to be the president. Whatever it is, Bobby Newport is going to mess up voting someway, somehow.