This Doctor Who interview with Marvel is some of the latest coolness to come out of the barrage of awesome that was the 2016 New York Comic Con.
One of the best parts of comic conventions is when the stars of the movies are just a big of a fan as those who bought tickets. And sometimes it seems like there is no bigger fanboy in all of time and space than Peter Capaldi, star of Doctor Who. Last week, he attended New York Comic Con, along with new companion “Bill” who will be played by Pearl Mackie.
The two of them, along with executive producer Brian Minchin, and writer and producer Steven Moffat found themselves being interviewed by Marvel host Lorraine Cink. (Exactly why a BBC show was being interviewed by a Disney owned property was not exactly clear.) But she has some questions about the show, and some about the greater Marvel universe, specifically, Doctor Strange.
Incidentally, did you know Doctor Who is part of the Greater Marvel Universe? Can you say crossover?
The New Season
We got to meet Pearl Mackie, who will be playing the new Companion, Bill, on the upcoming season. Mckie’s take on her character:
"“Bill is really new to it–completely new to the world. We get to see the Doctor through her eyes. She doesn’t always react the way the Doctor expects, as well.”"
Capaldi responds:
"“She’s a great character. Pearl plays it beautifully. It’s that newness, that freshness, that sense of not coming from the Doctor Who universe, y’know, coming from the real world, which we’ve not had for a while. It’s great and think it’s reinvigorated the series a lot.”"
I’m pretty excited about this development. Still love it, but I have to admit the show has been getting increasingly navel-gazey the last few seasons.
What Would The Doctor Do?
Eventually Lorraine moves the conversation on to the Marvel Comics items on the table in front of them. She says the infinity gauntlet is the most powerful weapon in the universe and asks what The Doctor would do (WWDD?) with it. Like go back for the Daleks (no not the Daleks again please no more Daleks enough with the Daleks already). Steven, Peter, Pearl and Brian all physically recoil from the gauntlet in protest, vigorously shaking their heads with disgust.
“It’s not. It’s not the most powerful weapon in the universe … It’s too straightforward!”
Says Steven, obviously not understanding the powers of the six infinity gems.
Screencap via Marvel Wikia
Despite their protests, Capaldi looks pretty excited about using the gauntlet, as Moffat leans away from it, like he knows its true power and fears what The Doctor is going to do to him now. (Like maybe make him write more Sherlock episodes. You can almost hear him thinking “NO NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THAT!”)
LOOK. The infinity gauntlet has powers way beyond the Doctor’s. He is an off-the-charts genius (with 2,822 years of experience points), can sense time, has a time machine and a sonic screwdriver. However, as far as we have seen, time lords cannot stop, slow down or speed up time. He doesn’t have telepathy or telekinesis, can’t teleport, create wormholes or manipulate souls and does not control all of the power in the universe.
The Last Great Time War
Most iterations of the Doctor would never use the gauntlet, even if given the option. Seriously, he chose a screwdriver, albeit sonic, as his only not-really-a-weapon. Although I am almost certain that the eighth Doctor *would* have used it to end the Last Great Time War and then rewrite reality because REBEL.
Next: 9 Reasons You Should Be Reading Marvel’s MOCKINGBIRD
Y’know, I just realized I need to work up a Last Great Time War screenplay featuring Doctor Who and Doctor Strange. Who comes to understand that he is not the one who destroyed the Daleks. It was Strange, manipulating his mind and all the power in the universe. Then they go for tea at Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe. I will accept cash money for this brilliant idea.