You Win Or You Die: Ranking the 99 Game of Thrones Deaths

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Image credit: HBO/Helen Sloan

Robert Baratheon

The monarchy isn’t working out too well in Westeros. But somehow this time-honored tradition continues to flourish as men vie for the Iron Throne. Somewhere down the line, they all end up falling before they can reach a chair that doesn’t look all that comfortable, anyway. Surely the likes of Robert Baratheon would have preferred a La-Z-boy. Or, at this point, maybe he’d just prefer to be alive.

Robert meets his end early, in the midst of Season 1. His drunk and disorderly conduct lands him with a fatal wound, courtesy of a boar that symbolized his own boorish behavior. Although his death would be passed off as a hunting accident, those close enough to the royal family could easily guess that Cersei had orchestrated the thing. Considering Robert’s treatment of her, I can’t say I blame the woman. Love her or hate her, she didn’t deserve Robert’s abuse.

However it came about, Robert’s death is integral to the plot’s forward momentum. The aftermath would spearhead the civil war and dismantling of the Westerosi political system. Clearly, it needs some work.

We know Robert for a short time, but his character is easy enough to assess. He enjoys the perks of kingship without taking on the responsibilities. He flaunts the title and can’t handle the power that comes with it. Robert wanted the glory and nothing more. If anything, he took the crown to spite Rhaegar’s ghost. With the Targaryen prince dead, there was no better way for Robert to milk his revenge for Rhaegar’s absconding with Lyanna, who had been betrothed to Robert. The man certainly wasn’t above a good pissing contest, after all.