From BabyMetal to Hello Kitty: 11 Wacky Japanese Trends to Love

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Image via Namco

The web delights in so many weird wonders from Japan. Culturess takes a look at a few cute, cool, and sometimes incomprehensible Japanese oddities.

Let’s be honest, there is no end to the entertainment provided by so many Japanese trends. Almost every week we see a photo of something weird and incomprehensible or kawaii (cute) beyond belief.

We’re enamored with the randomness and intensity of segments of an Asian society so different than the norm in the US. A fascinating island of contradictions with an extremely serious business culture on one hand and people who consider cosplay a way of life on the other.

The place is a powerhouse of enthusiasm. Japanese culture seems to embrace taking normal things a step further, anything from food to technology. McDonald’s and other chains in Japan have more daring menu items than fast food serves up here in America. A 7-Eleven in Japan is a place where people actually seek out and eat the food. There’s just no denying that a lot of the time they just do things differently over there.

We’re taking a tour of a couple of new and old Japanese things that provoke feelings of bewilderment or love with a sprinkle of wondering if it’s something in the drinking water.