Culturess Reacts to their Pottermore Assigned Patronus

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Image via Pottermore

Tokinese Cat – Lacy Baugher

Time for some real talk: I knew going into this that if my Patronus wasn’t some form of cat, then that meant this quiz was straight-up broken.

In case you haven’t guessed yet, I have a lot of (very) strong feelings about my inter-personal connections to the Harry Potter universe. If the original Pottermore sorting quiz had put me literally anywhere other than Ravenclaw, I probably would have sent JKR hate mail. Happily, that Sorting Hat situation worked out in the end. (Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure!) Luckily, the Patronus thing did too.

I don’t necessarily know how I feel about the Patronus test’s methodology – the questions seemed almost purposefully vague – but the result landed me squarely in the cat family, so we’re all good.

As it turns out, my Patronus is actually a kind of cat I’ve never heard of: a Tonkinese. Wikipedia tells me that they’re a cross between the Siamese and Burmese breeds. They are apparently known for their lively and playful personalities, are very intelligent, and susceptible to getting lonely or bored easily. Um, hello, me in feline form. And they look very judgy – even for cats! – which I love.

Well done, Pottermore. Well done.