Top 10 female superheroes who deserve their own TV show

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1. Mystique

Who she is: Mystique is a popular shape-shifting villain from the X-Men universe, commonly associated with Magneto. She is the mother of Graydon Creed, Nightcrawler, and for a time, the guardian of Rogue. Because of her rapid healing, it also appears that she does not age. Also, Mystique created the second Brotherhood of Mutants and aided Professor X as a secret operative.

Why she deserves a tv show: A television series about a sexy, blue, shape-shifting mutant pretty much sells itself. Since she can change her look, the show doesn’t have to commit to one actress (or actor) for more than a few episodes. In the same token, the show can take the anthology route. It can make each season independent of the next, focusing on the assassination of a different important figure each time. With proper execution, it could be one of the most visionary shows of recent memory, only limited by the creativity of its showrunners.

Who could play her: Yes, Raven Darkholme is a woman. However, the show would have to be able to hold without her nude, scaly appearance. Raven’s blue physique loses its novelty if shown in every episode. Make the show compelling because it’s about the ageless, political mastermind Mystique without needing the visuals to prop it up.

That being said, Raven Darkholme’s “body” person needs to be more like Rebecca Romijn than Jennifer Lawrence. Romijn’s background in modeling gave the character an incredible physicality; she was Mystique. Whereas, Jennifer Lawrence’s neck-down bodysuit and lack of physicality make her just “Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique.” She removes the audience from the film by simply being Jennifer Lawrence.

Next: Top Mulder and Scully moments from the X-Files

These are just a few characters with rich comic histories that deserve to be on TV. Television is where storylines can last for years. A character’s persona develops over the course of multiple episodes instead of two hours. Didn’t see you favorite on this list? Let us know who you’d pick in the comments below and stay tuned for our list of female superheroes who deserve their own movie!