The 23 Best Mulder and Scully Moments

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The X-Files, episode: “Alone;” screengrab via Fox.

# 22: Alone

This one is special because not only is there blatant Mulder/Scully cuteness, there’s also a bunch of throwback Mulder/Scully cuteness baked right in!

Scully’s getting ready for maternity leave (even immortal goddesses need, like, 6 weeks to take a breather), so season 8’s answer to Mulder, Agent John Doggett, meets his replacement-Scully: an excitable li’l agent who’s more than ready to spook it up.

Before she leaves, Scully presents Doggett with a token of friendship and loyalty- throwback #1: the Apollo 11 medallion Mulder had given Scully for her birthday years earlier (Remember that? He put a sparkler in a Snowball and made a bunch of waiters sing to her. She was so embarrassed. It was very great).

While Doggett and not-Scully Agent Harrison investigate a case revolving around dangerous reptile venom (THIS SHOW IS THE BEST), he learns that she was basically an intern for the bureau back in Mulder and Scully’s heyday, and had become pretty obsessed with their exploits. Obviously.

She makes a pretty good partner, and as all good agents do, ends up in the hospital by the end of the episode, where Mulder and Scully visit her to thank her. It’s here Harrison fan-girls in a way most of us appreciate in our very souls, and asks her heroes-throwback #2!- how they managed to get out of Antarctica at the end of the Fight the Future.

The logistics of how this girl knows what happens at the end of the first X-Files movie don’t totally add up, but at least we get to see Mulder and Scully love-bicker about it, and isn’t that all that really matters?

Next: #21: Dreamland II