The 20 Best Costume Designs from Outlander Season 1 and 2

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12. 1940’s Claire Randall Fraser

Claire is back in her original timeline with her first husband, Frank Randall. She has decided to move to Boston with Frank. Claire is looking the part of the 1940’s girl and college professors’ wife. The sleek brown suit with black accessories. Take note Claire is wearing one glove on her right hand where she is likely using to hide Jamie’s wedding ring. The blue color in her scarf matches perfectly with her blue eyes. The jacket in the middle area looks purposely ill-fitting to accentuate her pregnancy. The skirt is mid-calf which is correct for the time period.

The colors used by Claire are almost identical to the Fraser tartan brown and blue color she wore in Scotland. It is almost like the Fraser tartan colors are now her colors to bear while she is in her timeline. She is trying to make a fresh start with Frank in a new country. Claire will never shed the indelible stain Jamie left on her heart. She also is carrying Jamie’s child in Fraser colors gives her comfort while she is trying to adapt to all the changes in her life, and Claire can fit in any century but would preferably be in the one with Jamie Fraser.

Next: Claire's Dior inspired Bar Suit