10 Amazing Female Characters We Met in Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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via StarWars.com

9. Chief Petty Officer Unamo

Meet Chief Petty Officer Unamo, a member of the bridge crew on Kylo Ren’s Star Destroyer, the Finalizer. We first meet her in Star Wars: The Force Awakens as the officer who tracks the TIE fighter piloted by escaped prisoner Poe Dameron and rogue stormtrooper FN-2187. (He’ll go on to be christened Finn by Poe.) She’s the reason the Order tracks it to the crash site on Jakku. She’s amazing because, I mean, come on, she’s a chief petty officer aboard a Star Destroyer; anyone, male or female, in a role like that is amazing. But she’s also unique in the Star Wars universe, because she is a female officer who 1) gets to speak, and 2) accomplishes something important to the plot of the film.

Granted, that something is getting the First Order a bead on the good guys, which as audience members who sympathize with the heroes is not something we want. But the Star Wars canon needs as many female bad guys as it needs good guys.

Next: 8. Doctor Kalonia