20 Best Summer Songs of 2016, Ranked
19 – Cold Water – Major Lazer (ft. Justin Bieber and MØ)
Oh, but do go away, Justin Bieber! This is such a pleasant, uplifting song, but you have to go and mess it all up by being Justin Bieberish all over it. The best part of “Cold Water” is the lovely bridge (is it a bridge? It feels like one, and then the song ends. drat) where he is definitely not singing because MØ is singing and she should sing all of it because her voice is so pure and good.
I admit to finding these lyrics just tastelessly hokey some days and encouraging on other days. I feel as though Ed Sheeran (and the rest of Major Lazer) should be able to do better based on past work. And yet everything about this song is so nicely melodic and catchy that maybe it’s okay to forgive them just this once. While it’s not my favorite summer song, “Cold Water” has its place on my playlist and, apparently, an awful lot of other peoples’ as well.
Next: 18 - This Is What You Came For - Calvis Harris