5 Things we hope to see in Mermicorno: Starfall season 2

Mermicorno: Starfall
Mermicorno: Starfall

Entering the ring of children's cartoons is Mermicorno: Starfall, a show based on the colorful and iconic characters created by tokidoki's very own Simone Legno. Season 1 consisted of 13 episodes, telling the story of how Mermicorno Astra falls into the ocean during the starfall event.

She and a little baby she later names Pearl Girl, are found and live in the palace of Royal Mother Pearl. But when Pearl Girl goes missing, Astra takes it upon herself to find her.

Along the way, she meets other Mermicornos who also have no memories of before the starfall. Each episode progresses the story while audiences learn more about Mermicornos as they complete tasks, learn life lessons and meet interesting sea life.

By the end of the season, it becomes clear the story is far from over. As Legno hints at more to come, we wanted to list 5 things we'd like to see in Mermicorno: Starfall season 2.

1. Kameko's dad

Mermicorno: Starfall

While the main mission of our Mermicornos was to rescue Pearl Girl from the evil Ika Inkblot, they were also searching for Kameko's missing father. Kameko's story is perhaps just as vague as the Mermicornos.

One stormy evening she was waiting on a dock for her father to come home when she mistakes seeing him in the water. She jumps in and would have been captured by Sawtooth if Astra hadn't saved and transformed her into a human Mermicorno.

Even though Kameko is the most different of all her Mermicorno friends, she blends in well with the group, mostly as support and comic relief. During the season 1 finale, Ika Inkblot reveals that he knows of Kameko's father, who is a turtle.

But any information about his whereabouts remains unknown. We hope that Kameko can reunite with her father and perhaps learn more about herself and her family in the process.

2. More Mermicornos

There is no denying that our Mermicorno group is solid with each character having interesting and dynamic personalities from loyal to intelligent, confident, and dramatic. But we'd be lying if we weren't itching to know if more Mermicornos exist and where they are in the ocean.

Our Mermicornos lost their memories during the starfall but throughout the season bits and pieces were beginning to emerge. Even though it's been said that Mermicornos haven't been seen in countless years, we can't help but wonder how many still exist.

Will Astra be tasked with finding them? Will the strength of more Mermicornos be what saves the ocean from Dark Pearl Girl and Ika Inkblot?

3. Sawtooth switching sides

Aside from Ika Inkblot, a recurring villain our Mermicornos faced was Ika's henchfish the Mermishark, Sawtooth. Also used as comic relief, Sawtooth was far from the sharpest fish in the sea, often working with two Squidians to do Ika's bidding.

However, this could all change thanks to a big reveal during the season 1 finale. As Astra's plan goes awry, resulting in Pearl Girl turning into Dark Pearl, Sawtooth winds up recalling a memory where he was working alongside Astra and the other Mermicornos.

This revelation troubles Sawtooth, making him question everything. Considering Ika has never truly appreciated Sawtooth and the memory of his alliance with the Mermicornos, we're thinking he'll be joining our heroes.

4. Pearl Girl's rescue

Mermicorno: Starfall

There is no denying the season 1 finale of Mermicorno: Starfall was intense and chaotic which is often unheard of for children's shows. This is one of the many positives of the show.

While it is aimed towards children and families, it holds a sense of maturity. The show is never too complex or oversimplified.

Regardless, the plan to save Pearl Girl ultimately fails, which means Dark Pearl now has all the power to take over the ocean. This will undoubtedly affect Astra the most out of the entire group, which is equally why our Mermicornos need to succeed in season 2.

5. Royal Mother Pearl and Barb

Last but not least is what Mother Royal Pearl and Barb will be up to dealing with the fallout of Dark Pearl's emergence. Throughout the season they had been working together to figure out why certain villages and towns in the kingdom were getting attacked as well as providing aid for the citizens. They do make several important connections and protect the last star from the starfall. But we're curious as to what new responsibilities will be thrown their way not that the entire ocean is in jeopardy. Will they unite with other kingdoms? How many kingdoms even exist in the ocean?

Stream Mermicorno: Starfall season 1 on HBO MAX.