School Spirits knows exactly which questions to answer and makes sure to tackle them all throughout season two. Will Maddie get her body back? What was really happening between Janet and Mr. Martin? School Spirits may not answer every question early on, but it does turn all of its main characters, living and dead, into detectives as both groups work through trying to unravel the answers of the past that can help to answer what is occurring in their present. Janet stole Maddie's body. What will it take for Maddie to get it back?
Maddie and Simon's friendship helps to anchor the tether between the living and the dead. But, Schools Spirits smartly does not leave this for Simon to handle alone in the realm of the living this time. Allowing his friends to help, Simon, Xavier, Nicole, and Claire work together to find Janet and reunite her with Maddie and Split River High School. Meanwhile, Maddie, Wally, Rhonda, and Charley continue their detective work in the afterlife, working together to put together the pieces of Janet and Mr. Martin's secrets and what they really wanted from them for all those years they were trapped together.
Choosing to integrate the living and ghosts as much as they possibly can between body swapping and Maddie and Simon's connection, School Spirits succeeds at building out its world in season two and developing the characters and friendships beyond what was offered in season one. The new ghosts introduced to the main group, who had also been trapped at the school for years, make good additions to continuing to grow out the idea of how many people had died at the school and give a deeper understanding of the relationships that everyone is making in the afterlife. Season two is not just interested in pushing the narrative forward; it is also interested in revealing and healing the scars of the past, going deeper into Janet and Mr. Martin's history as well as examining the darkest parts of Charley, Wally, and Rhonda's pasts.
In the end, the season's biggest question comes down to the season finale and a race against time. Maddie does end up getting her body back, but School Spirits makes her work for it, choosing to have Maddie's emotional connection to her ghost friends overrule the instinctual reaction to take her now-empty body back after Janet willingly steps away. Maddie's refusal to allow her friends to enter a trap is admirable, but of course, it is at the potential risk and cost to her own return to life. However, to a degree, it makes sense that School Spirits would want Maddie to experience her own scar as well, given how she had been able to see Mr. Martin's rather than her own.
School Spirits concludes on a few cliffhangers, and they are all significant for where this show goes next. A potential season three has a lot of stories to explore in the event of a renewal, whether it be surrounding a death, someone moving on, or seeing if Maddie has the ability to see ghosts when she returns to school. Season two keeps the plot line moving, developing the dynamics between the characters and striving to unravel a mystery with each episode. It is a second season that knew exactly what it wanted to accomplish and made sure to deliver a story that perfectly connected from its first season.