You Will Never Be Me is a thrill ride from start to finish

You Will Never Be Me by Jesse Q. Sutanto. Image Credit to Berkley.
You Will Never Be Me by Jesse Q. Sutanto. Image Credit to Berkley.

If there is one author who can do it all, it’s Jesse Q. Sutanto. That’s why You Will Never Be Me was an absolute must-read of mine.

For those who don’t know who Jesse Q. Sutanto is, where have you been? She has written some of the most popular books of the last few years including Dial A for Aunties, Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers and Well, That Was Unexpected. She truly runs the gambit when it comes to different genres.

Going into You Will Never Be Me, I knew it was a thriller and it was focused on influencer culture. When it comes to topics like that, it can be hit-or-miss but I had no reason to worry as it’s Jesse Q. Sutanto so I knew I was going to enjoy it.

I’d like to thank Berkley for putting this one on my radar and sending me an ARC so I can share my thoughts with all of you.

Jesse Q. Sutanto nails it again in You Will Never Be Me.

When it comes to thrillers, I try not to give away too much of the plot. However as previously mentioned, this book follows two influencers: Meredith and Aspen. When the story begins, Aspen is living her dream life with her kids and husband despite having a huge fight with Meredith. It’s clear things are rocky between the two and Meredith is dealing with a lot of resentment and jealousy.

Meredith decides to take matters into her own hands and while stalking Aspen, steals her iPad and begins using her content ideas. She also muddles in a few other things which results in some unfortunate situations for Aspen. Meanwhile, we’re also getting flashbacks of when Meredith and Aspen first met and different moments in their friendship. Things take a turn when Meredith goes missing and Aspen quickly becomes the center of the story as she is Meredith’s best friend.

You Will Never Be Me hits all the beats of a good thriller as there’s drama, suspense, and plenty of different storylines to get caught up in. Sutanto also gives her own commentary on influencers and just how fake everything can be. She also executed multiple plotlines throughout the story that I couldn’t believe. Once I was locked in, I was locked in and I couldn’t put this book down.

If you’re a fan of Jesse Q. Sutanto’s other works, the writing you know and love from her is present. Additionally, each of the characters is complex and you truly cannot decide who you want to root for. That’s the marker of a good thriller and great writing so there’s nothing more to say than you need to pick this one up.

You Will Never Be Me by Jesse Q. Sutanto is out now where books are sold.