Till There Was You is an unforgettable debut from Lindsay Hameroff

Looking for a new spring book for your TBR? Till There Was You fits the bill.

Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff. Image Credit to St. Martin's Griffin.
Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff. Image Credit to St. Martin's Griffin.

Usually, when you see a cute cover, it makes you want to pick a book up and that’s exactly how I felt about Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff.

I’d also heard a friend talk about meeting Lindsay at Steamy Lit Con and I knew I had to feature this on Culturess. Plus Lindsay Hameroff is a debut author and a localish author to me so I knew I wanted to give her some love.

Whether you were sucked in by the adorable cover or just want to try out a romance debut, then Till There Was You is an excellent one to pick up. It could also be a great belated Valentine’s Day gift to yourself as well.

I’d like to thank St. Martin’s Griffin for sending me an early copy of this to read so without further ado, let’s talk about Till There Was You.

Till There Was You is a charming debut from Lindsay Hameroff.

Before getting into my review, can we just gush about that cover? I don’t know whose idea the cover was but Gabriel Guma did an amazing job and I just have to give them a shoutout. With that out of the way, let’s get into my thoughts on this book.

Till There Was You follows Lexi, a culinary student who has a bad day and decides to go out which she rarely does. While out at a bar, she meets Jake who is a musician and the two have an immediate connection. The two end up going back to Lexi’s apartment, spending the weekend today and then Jake is whisked away to LA to record his demo.

While it seems like the two might have something, Jake ghosts her and Lexi is understandably upset. Things come to a head when she realizes that Jake is using her as inspiration for two of his most popular songs: “Blueberry” and “Dorothy.” Eventually, Jake comes back into her life when he’s reeling from stardom and Lexi is struggling with her new job at a restaurant.

As odd as it is to say, Till There Was You feels like fanfiction in the best way. Lexi is dealing with real-world problems and still struggling with the grief of losing her mother. Meanwhile, Jake is trying to navigate fame and it’s a tough read at times. Regardless, it’s clear these two have so much love for each other.

I feel like I’m gushing about this book but I just can’t help it. I was immediately sucked in by Lindsay Hameroff’s writing and I couldn’t put this book down. Till There Was You wraps so much up within its pages and it’s a delight. It felt so nuanced as Lexi and Jake were grappling with a lot of things that they couldn’t help and it was hard to read yet felt realistic in that sense.

My only small qualm was that the third-act conflict felt a little bit predictable. Given how certain plotlines played out though, it was almost expected. Even so, Till There Was You is an absolutely delight and fun debut from Lindsay Hameroff. Plus it’ll make you want blueberry pancakes which no one can be mad about.

Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff is out now where books are sold.