Hefty Kickoff Cups Kits are the ultimate NFL gameday accessory

Hefty is introducing a new way to celebrate gameday.
Hefty Party Cups Elevate Tailgates with New Offering. Image Credit to Hefty.
Hefty Party Cups Elevate Tailgates with New Offering. Image Credit to Hefty.

NFL gameday is such a huge part of any sports fans' week. It seems like you have a plan for everything and Hefty knows it.

In fact, Hefty is capitalizing on the wave of new NFL fans due to a certain singer and those who are just new to the NFL with the launch of its Hefty Kickoff Cups Kits. You still get the same Hefty cups we all know and love with a twist.

A press release shared with Culturess gives you an idea of what each kit looks like: "Each Hefty Kickoff Cups Kit is a party in a pack, containing 32 strong and durable Party Cups in four bright colors, each adorned with one of eight unique conversation starters. Fans can grab a cup that speaks to them, fill it up and let the conversation flow!" The press release even shared some of the possible conversation topics as well.

From now until September 25th, you can go to this website and enter for a chance to win your very own Hefty Kickoff Cups Kit. All you have to do is put in a little bit of information and from there, it's up to your luck if Hefty ends up choosing you. There is also no purchase necessary to enter which is something I always like to note.

What kind of topics are on the Hefty Kickoff Cups?

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Hefty Party Cups Elevate Tailgates with New Offering. Image Credit to Hefty.

As fun as this idea is, you're probably curious about the prompts on these special Hefty cups. Maybe it's just me, but I wanted to share some that were in the press release. One I'm sure most of us would have a long answer to is: "Who's your dream halftime show headliner?" Considering that Usher did such an amazing job in 2024, I truly don't know how anyone could put on a more iconic performance but that's a great topic.

Some of the topics are more football-centric including: "Who will go down in history as the greatest football coach of all time?" and "College football or professional football? Let's debate." I feel like those are two super hot topics that will get people talking for hours. This could be a great idea if you're getting together with your fantasy league or meeting up with some new friends to watch the game.

Either way, I think this is a genius idea from Hefty. I know that I'm definitely going to be considering entering because these kits look like so much fun. Plus it eliminates the need to do more dishes so who can complain about that? No matter who you're rooting for, there is no denying that Hefty is the ultimate gameday accessory for all NFL fans.