"I Am Doll Parts" kicks off right where the series left off. Mariana is confronting Silas in her loft, still in the midst of an anxiety attack, and terrified not only by Silas being there but by how he seems to know so much about her life.
When Joaquin says he never saw Silas and the security cameras never show Silas entering the building, Mariana determines that she had only hallucinated his arrival, which she justifies given all the information Silas has about Mariana's childhood.
Mariana has been ignoring her own mental and emotional health all season as a result of spending all of her energy split between taking care of Evan and helping Joaquin try to take down Silas. But, it appears that Mariana is finally taking the advice of her friends and family when she decides to sit down with a therapist.
Cierra Ramirez gives a beautiful knock-out performance during her second therapy session, when she finally breaks down. All of the anxiety, trauma, and fear come spiraling out of her, and she finally lets herself feel all of it.
After spending so much time ignoring her own emotions to focus on others, finally taking the time to recognize her own fear of losing her life if the bullet had come an inch closer allows Mariana to finally breathe. Unfortunately, that is not the end of this cult plotline that is showing no signs of going away so easily.
Instead, the final moments of "I Am Doll Parts" prove that this growing war against Silas may not be close to being over yet. A flashback reveals Silas had been in Mariana's room and had entered and escaped through the window, so he was never caught on camera. Meanwhile, his information about Mariana's background had come from a mysterious source online. Simultaneously, he is also clearly targeting Joaquin.
While the cult created a foundation for Mariana and Joaquin to initally bond over, it is starting to go on a little too long. Joaquin's search for his sister brought him and Mariana to the cult at the end of the fourth season. While, Good Trouble needs to create a conclusion for such a plot line, the aftermath of visiting the cult has been one of the main themes of season five.
Although seeing Mariana and Joaquin take down Silas will be satisfying, it does not necessarily need to take up the remainder of the show's final season.
Otherwise, most of the mid-season premiere is all about the aftermath, whether it be Gael's frustration that all of his work is going to the credit of other artists, Dennis trying to determine what the next steps for his restaurant are, or Malika and Mariana's new roommate situation following Isaac taking over Malika's space.
As Good Trouble heads into its final installment of episodes, there are plenty of things the series needs to address, including Callie and Jamie's upcoming wedding, Mariana's love triangle with Joaquin and Evan, and how Malika's professional life will move forward following her upset at work.