Pretty Little Liars: Summer School leaned hard into familiar territory when the series introduced Dr. Sullivan, Rosewood's favorite therapist, to take on the aftermath of the Millwood Massacre. Imogen, Tabby, Faran, Noa, and Mouse initially bonded with Dr. Sullivan before realizing that she had a suspicious backstory that made them uncertain of whether she was trustworthy. In "The Boogeyman," not only does her backstory get fleshed out a bit more, but it also answers a question about a character introduced long ago.
Although Dr. Sullivan has not referenced the original liars Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily by name, they did appear in a cameo of files in Dr. Sullivan's drawers, which connected the dots back to her time in Rosewood. However, her time in Rosewood would not be the last time she would have issues with a dangerous "A."
"The Boogeyman" reveals that Dr. Sullivan's son, who had initially been threatened by Mona Vanderwaal in the second season of Freeform's Pretty Little Liars, was ultimately killed by Archie Waters years later. Dr. Sullivan's past not only connects her to Rose Waters in Radley Sanitarium but also to Archie in Millwood not long after the death of Angela Waters. But that is not the end of Dr. Sullivan's connections with an elusive villain.
At the conclusion of season two's penultimate episode, Dr. Sullivan proves the tragic story of her son's death by bringing Imogen to her son's grave. But, when Imogen allows Dr. Sullivan a moment alone, things very quickly go wrong.
Once again, Dr. Sullivan has been kidnapped and prevented from helping the girls in need of her help. With only red rose petals left in her place, Imogen is left alone with the knowledge that Dr. Sullivan may have been right about being watched by Archie given how she appears to have been a target for Bloody Rose as well.
Pretty Little Liars: Summer School had already made a questionable move with Dr. Sullivan's motives by having her reveal to be secretly writing a book about the events of Millwood and teenage trauma, which was eerily similar to Ezra Fitz's role of secretly writing a true crime book about Alison DiLaurentis and her friends.
Will Dr. Sullivan make it out of Pretty Little Liars: Summer School alive? What connection does Bloody Rose have that could have brought the villain to turn their sights on Dr. Sullivan? There is only one episode left of Pretty Little Liars: Summer School to reveal the answers to the season's biggest questions, and it is promising to be a shocking conclusion.