Dark Olympus by Katee Robert: Ranked from worst to best

With 6 books out now, we wanted to rank the Dark Olympus series by Katee Robert.

Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert. Image Credit to Sourcebooks Casablanca.
Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert. Image Credit to Sourcebooks Casablanca.
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Midnight Ruin
Midnight Ruin by Katee Robert. Image Credit to Sourcebooks Casablanca.

5. Midnight Ruin

Moving onto the most recent installment in the series, this is another one I wasn't absolutely in love with. Regardless, Midnight Ruin did feature a romance Katee Robert has been teasing forever. I have been dying to read Eurydice's story and seeing what she got was completely worth it plus the tropes in this were top-tier.

While Midnight Ruin did slot some things into place within the larger plot and help set up the next book, it just didn't have that "wow factor" that the others in the series did. Then again, maybe I'm just not the biggest fan of throples because my bottom two both include relationships with 3 people. I might be the problem but Midnight Ruin didn't feel as high-stakes and action-packed as the previous installments.

Neon Gods
Neon Gods by Katee Robert. Image Credit to Sourcebooks Casablanca.

4. Neon Gods

Before everyone comes for me, just hear me out because I do love Neon Gods. I have such fond memories of reading it on the 4th of July and devouring it. As a start, it does an amazing job of introducing us to the characters, establishing the romance, and helping us figure out who is in especially with The Thirteen.

Katee Robert knew what they were doing when it came to starting the Dark Olympus series with this book. Neon Gods give us enough steam, angst, and plot to get you hooked and want to read more. I mean that could just be their talent as an author. Regardless, I do feel like there are better books in the series so it ended up at the #4 spot on my list.