Pretty Little Liars: Aria, Hanna, Spencer, Emily, Alison, and Mona
At what point could these girls trust anyone? Constantly stalked by "A," it was a miracle that Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily were able to have romantic relationships without thinking their parnter was their anonynmous stalker every few minutes.
However, the girls as a whole still had one of the most complex relationships in Freeform's history. They lie for each other and to each other, and it is amazing that they are able to keep any of it straight. They are constantly questioning if their longtime friend Alison is being genuine or if she is lying to them. Alison's refusal to let her friends in on the entire story never helps them trust her.
Mona's history as the original "A" only pushes the rest of the group further away from her, even when Mona is the only one who is capable of helping. Right when the girls and the audience think that Mona is firmly on the girls' side, a plot twist makes everyone rethink everything they know about her.
Pretty Little Liars constantly found ways to make itself even more complex than it had been through the use of red herrings and plot twists that all merged together to try and explain the absurdity that became some of its biggest revelations.
Even though this group remained friends until the end, that does not undo the years of being trapped in an underground Dollhouse, being attacked by animals, hit by cars, and murders that they shared together. Even if Pretty Little Liars offered this group a relatively happy ending, that did not make their dynamic any less complicated.