Once Smitten, Twice Shy is an unforgettable Wilmot Sisters book

Get ready to grab the tissues while reading Once Smitten, Twice Shy.
Once Smitten, Twice Shy by Chloe Liese
Once Smitten, Twice Shy by Chloe Liese

There are certain romance authors who get it and one of those is Chloe Liese. Most famously known for her Bergman Brothers series, Liese is putting her twist on some Shakespeare tales now.

Whether you started with the Bergman Brothers series or Two Wrongs Make A Right, you know just how special Chloe Liese's stories are. Each of her books always puts the spotlight on characters who don't get nearly as much love in mainstream romances.

With that being said, I was so incredibly excited to pick up Once Smitten, Twice Shy. This is the third book in the Wilmot Sisters series. The first two books were inspired by Much Ado About Nothing and The Taming of the Shrew while Once Smitten, Twice Shy takes some inspo from Twelfth Night. To be clear, you don't need to know Shakespeare if you're planning to read this series.

Before getting into any of my thoughts, I'd like to thank Berkley for sending me an ARC so I was able to read and review this one for all of you.

Once Smitten, Twice Shy is Chloe Liese at her very best.

Once Smitten, Twice Shy follows Juliet who is the traveler between the three sisters and she's finally coming back to her hometown to try to figure things out. Before she gets back there, she runs into a handsome yet mysterious man in Ireland. The two share a few passionate moments together and it seems like they miss their opportunity but that's not exactly true.

In comes Will, Juliet's sister's boyfriend's friend. It's not as complicated as that just sounded but these two immediately have a connection. While they kept their identities secret while aboard, meeting again feels like a reuniting of souls. It's not as intense upon them meeting again but the two agree to help each other.

Juliet decides to tutor Will about relationships and flirting which starts off innocent yet these two can't stop the sparks from flying. While the chemistry is there, these two start off as friends before it becomes clear that their feelings run much deeper. Seeing them slowly but surely fall for each other is just so heartwarming.

As with most of Chloe Liese's stories, this book featured multiple different representations including neurodiversity, chronic pain, and celiac disease. Personally, I've never read a romance where a character has celiac's so that was nice to see. It was also so adorable, seeing how Juliet and Will accompanied each other without making it a big deal. It was just so refreshing.

While I'm sad to see the Wilmot Sisters series wrap up, it has me excited about what's next for Chloe Liese. I can only hope her next release is every bit as wonderful as both the Bergman Brothers series and the Wilmot Sisters series have been.

Once Smitten, Twice Shy by Chloe Liese is out now where books are sold.