Our Mermicornos get an upgrade and learn something pivotal about Dark Pearl and Ika Inkblot's plans in Mermicorno: Starfall season 1 episodes 7 and 8. New character designs aside, the episodes allow more time for characters to bond with each other while progressing their teamwork skills.
But will this new power and teamwork be enough to stop Ika Inkblot?
Mermicorno: Starfall episode 7 recap: Ocean's Five

Now that all the Mermicornos have discovered their creatives forces, Kameko feels left out. Especially when her friends use their powers to stop a thief.
She confides in a silent sea slug (which has similar features to a bunny), whom she later names Sluglas. Although Astra is upset about losing her connection to Pearl Girl, not to mention her sudden character change, the group tries to think of a way to find Ika Inkblot.
Nautique tells the group how Squishella arrived at Octokyo during the Starfall with a book she later pawned so she could buy the Pop Princess tiara. The group goes to the pawn shop only to find that the owner will not sell the book as it's far too valuable.
Although the shop rules were clear about no pets, Kameko assures Astra that Sluglas won't be an issue, until he is. After the owner catches Sluglas making a mess with his acidic slime our heroes are kicked out.
With no other options they all agree to borrow the book by breaking into the shop that evening. As each member is assigned a task due to their creative force, Kameko, once again feeling left out, gets assigned as the lookout.
While she and Sluglas wait outside, Astra and the group proceed with their plan which works until the owner catches them in the act. She had assumed they were Mermicornos and set a trap for them to get captured in a glass case for her shop.
Using her ability to create distractions, Kameko troubles the shop owner leaving Sluglas to use his acidic slime to free the Mermicornos. Together they trap the shop owner into the glass case, pay for the book, and leave.
Although Kameko and Sluglas make a great team, she knows he must return to his own kind. Astra makes the profound discovery that the book is actually the diary of Mermicorno princess Hana, detailing how she fought Ika Inkblot with directions about how to make talismans and a map to Ika's lair.
Meanwhile, back at the Pearl Kingdom, Royal Mother Pearl and Barb try to think of a way to evacuate residents before Ika Inkblot strikes again. During their conversation Baby Bones (most adorable character ever!) arrives blowing bubbles, wanting to play hide and seek.
Royal Mother Pearl tasks Barb with playing with Baby Bones while she continues to strategize, not realizing how well he can play the game. Barb stresses out trying to find Baby Bones, worried that her failure to find a baby will mean her failure as the second hand to the Queen.
Luckily Barb finds him hiding in the fountain full of bubbles, thus giving her and Royal Mother Pearl the idea to hide the evacuated citizens in bubbles.
Mermicorno: Starfall episode 8 recap: Epic Fail

Astra, Gwen and Squishella search for three ingredients necessary to create magical hooves. However, Gwen and Squishella argue over who will get the first pair Astra creates.
Upon the hooves' completion, Astra makes two pairs so that Gwen and Squishella will stop competing with each other. But when they wear them, they magically become glued together into one body.
Turns out Astra did not wait until the glue had dried. In order to fix her friends Astra needs to make another pair of hooves which will be strong enough to remove Gwen and Squishella's pairs.
But Astra will need to search for the ingredients all over again. To make matters even worse, Gwen and Squishella's creative forces merged as well.
Meanwhile, Nautique and Kameko visit the library to figure out Dark Pearl's warning about a ritual and filling the ocean with darkness. The librarian only gives guests three chances to remain quiet or else they are thrown out.
As expected it doesn't take long for Nautique and Kameko to be thrown out. But it may have been for the best because Sawtooth and the two Squidians from Ika Inkblot capture Gwen and Squishella.
Luckily Astra is able to create new hooves and when each Mermicorno wears them they transform (magical girl style), resulting in minor character style changes and a whole lot of power. With this new power Sawtooth and the Squidians are easily defeated.
Before Nautique and Kameko were kicked out of the library they learn of a lunar eclipse coming in two weeks. They believe this is when the sea will be covered in darkness and when Dark Pearl's ritual will need to take place.
Mermicorno: Starfall season 1 episodes 7 and 8 review
I love it when television shows dedicate an episode where two characters who don't normally interact or connect are practically forced to. At this point in the show, our Mermicornos have been paired off into two strong friendships: Astra and Gwen, Nautique and Squishella.
Kameko pretty much gets along with everyone at this point. Arguably the two characters who are complete opposites, Gwen and Squishella, are the ones who get stuck together.
Many can probably relate to having friend groups similar to the Mermicornos where, although everyone has vastly different personalities, their group friendship still holds up. I also loved that Nautique and Kameko got to spend more time together as their friendship has been increasingly growing as well.
Bonus points for the reappearance of Baby Bones! I cannot get enough of this little Skelefish cutie!
Speaking of Baby Bones, I'm glad that in between Astra's quest, we do get to see what has been happening in the Pearl Kingdom as that plot is working simultaneously with the overarching story. I'll never tire of the banter between Royal Mother Pearl and Barb.
Come to think of it, Astra may have some competition as Barb is successfully stealing the show. While I don't expect every answer to be revealed by the season finale, I'm beginning to suspect that Kameko's father has more of a hand in this than previously thought, as it turns out he had a deep interest in astrology amongst other things like Mermicornos.
Many eons ago, I had watched my fair share of magical girl anime, and watching our Mermicornos transform in such a way, thanks to the hooves, hit me with a wave of nostalgia. An excellent touch!
Stream Mermicorno: Starfall season 1 on HBO MAX.