Now that our group is assembled and working together, they must face new challenges on their quest to find Pearl Girl and Kameko's father. In Mermicorno: Starfall season 1 episodes 3 and 4, audiences learn more about Gwen and Nautique's pasts, as well as uncovering their creative forces.
But alas Ika Inkblot is always lurking with Dark Pearl by his side. What has caused the sweet little girl to turn evil seemingly overnight?
Mermicorno: Starfall episode 3 recap: Ghost Town

The next episode begins with Gwen becoming panicked when she can't find her friends. The fear dissipates quickly after the group is reunited.
As they search for a light, Gwen saves Nautique from a falling rock, prompting Kameko to tell the group how Gwen is the bravest and strongest of the Mermicornos (according to her father's stories). Gwen allows the new attention to get to her head.
She shares made-up stories of her bravery that seemingly fool everyone except Astra. In reality, Gwen has been terrified ever since she arrived during the Starfall.
The group arrives at a ghost town, where they will need to use a certain light to find a trail to Ika Inkblot. After a quick search, the group decides to turn in for the night leaving Gwen with first watch.
While taking first watch Gwen reflects on her past actions, suddenly terrified of what she assumes is a ghost. She abandons her friends to hide in a cave, remembering how she met two cruel eels after arriving at the ocean.
Preying on Gwen's vulnerability and desperation to not be alone, they essentially force her to join their group. Terrified of being alone, Gwen decided to help the eels with their stealing of food and other items from innocent sea creatures until they reached a ghost town.
The eels want Gwen to use her powers but alas she still has no memory of them. However, when she becomes afraid her ice powers reveal themselves and with them accidentally she harms one of the eels.
Angered the eels leave Gwen all alone. By morning the group is awakened by the presence of Baby Bones, who was separated from his mother when the town was attacked.
The only comforting presence since then has been Baby Bones' starfish night light. Realizing Gwen is missing and already questioning her bravery, Astra takes it upon herself to search for her while the rest of the group searches for Baby Bones' family.
Astra finds Gwen in the cave where she confesses to being afraid of nearly everything. She reveals her ice powers expecting Astra to fear her. Instead, Astra makes the discovery that this is Gwen's creative force. Upon returning to the group, Gwen confesses to her lies but the group is too distracted by her beautiful ice powers.
Using her creative force, Gwen creates an ice sculpture of Baby Bones and lifts it into the air creating a beacon attracting Baby Bones' family. With the family reunited, they tell the group how the town was attacked by two Squidians and a shark named Sawtooth (this is the same shark from the opening episode).
Using Baby Bones' night light, Nautique is able to pick up a trail that can lead them to Ika Inkblot. Astra instructs Baby Bones and his family to seek refuge in the Pearl Kingdom under the Queen, Royal Mother Pearl's, care.
Mermicorno: Starfall episode 4 recap: Dance, Magic, Dance!

It seems Pearl Girl now goes by Dark Pearl as she waits for more power. As Sawtooth provides the power, one of Ika Inkblot's Squidians rushes to the palace to warn him of Astra and her friends following the trail of ooze.
Ika is angered and orders Sawtooth and his Squidians to find them. The group, following the ooze trail, finds themselves under attack by Ika's henchfish but manages to hide in the creepy Kelp forest. However, during their escape, Nautique accidentally drops Baby Bones starfish night light. It doesn't take long for Sawtooth and the Squidians to retreat, believing the group will not succeed in escaping.
Now inside the kelp forest, Kameko tells the group about how they will need to pass three tests in order to escape. The kelp forest is protected by the water sprites who are known tricksters.
If they pass the three tests, they'll escape but if they fail, they'll be trapped forever. While Kameko follows the stories her father told her, as well as her gut instinct, Nautique follows science.
He believes his skills in observation and knowledge are how he and Squishella met. In a flashback sequence, Squishella is making money with her singing on the street when a street conman tries to trick her for her coins.
Nautique, observing the game is rigged, aids Squishella in obtaining her coins back and then some. The problem is that Nautique is so overly confident in his own skills that he doesn't allow others to voice an opinion or provide another solution to a problem.
This becomes evident as he is the cause of the group failing the first test. They were supposed to repeat the water sprites motions but instead, Nautique interpreted it as directions for escape.
Upon the second test, they must choose a path: one that is dark and one that is bright. Nautique believes the light path is correct, Kameko believes it to be the dark path. The group then splits with Nautique and Squishella taking the bright path and Astra, Gwen, and Kameko taking the dark path. However, both realize the paths are incorrect.
When they reunite, Nautique and Squishella are about to be eaten by a glowing clam shell. After freeing Squishella, the rest of the group frees Nautique allowing time for him and Kameko to make amends and decidedly work together.
As it turns out it was Nautique's fault Squishella lost her tiara in the first place to the Trench Keeper. Together Kameko and Nautique realize they need to bury themselves into the ground and thus pass the second test.
The third however has the group dancing their way across a dangerous field of hot springs. Nautique recognizes a pattern of the hot air and while dancing the group discovers his creative force which allows him to harness fire powers.
But after they pass, they are still unable to leave. By creating a hole in the ceiling they escape, returning back to where they started.
In this case, they technically escaped the kelp forest and retrieved the night light.
Mermicorno: Starfall season 1 episodes 3 and 4 review
Now that our team has been assembled, the latest episodes can begin to give each of them proper introductions. Episodes 3 and 4 focused heavily on Gwen and Nautique, diving deeper into their personalities; faults, and all.
What I find interesting and compelling is that while the show is geared towards children and families, it can effectively explain the importance and realities of different personalities, along with key life lessons. There will be times when children will become scared and while this is normal, it will also enable them the time to shine and be brave.
Their fears bring about their vulnerabilities, but true friends will love and appreciate them regardless. There will be times when children will need to work together, even if it's something outside of their comfort zone.
As much as they shine on their own, they will learn that teamwork can often lead to better results thus developing deeper bonds of friendship. Both episodes focused on one side quest at a time, without rushing nor padding the runtime.
I wanted to add that I love the opening theme song and sequence. It is an earworm in the best way possible. It's incredibly upbeat while also providing some foreshadowing of events yet to come.
While we are aware of Pearl Girl or Dark Pearl's whereabouts, Kameko's father remains a bigger mystery. Perhaps one of my favorite aspects of this show is the little details of Tokidoki art sprinkled throughout the background from the crabs to starfish and even turtles.
If you are familiar with Tokidoki you'll recognize that style immediately. Personally, Baby Bones is the most adorable character to appear on the show thus far.
Perhaps it's the mother in me and having two little ones, but Baby Bones gave me all the feels.
Stream Mermicorno: Starfall season 1 on HBO MAX.