This review contains spoilers for Grey's Anatomy Season 21, episode 11, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For."
It is not easy being a long-time Grey's Anatomy fan, or at the very least, one who has watched every episode of the show thus far at least one time or more. Thrilling, sure. Predictable, every now and then as of late. But easy? Not a chance. We know too much. We have very little faith in any notion that too many feel-good episodes in a row is a sign of anything other than pending disaster.
And with this season, who knows? There are all the usual signs of imminent pain amidst the frequent heartwarming distractions. Simone and Lucas, Meredith and Nick, Jules finally taking steps to move past the worst ailments of her grief, another week of a lack of patient deaths -- all good things. But there are signs of storms. There always are.
Teddy and Owen might be the most obvious, though it could either all turn into nothing or could actually end up being a breakup that works out in both of their favors. I'm really not thrilled about the possibility of having to try to like another one of Owen's significant others and the bond that may or may not last between them, but Teddy I could see finally figuring out what -- and who -- is going to make her happy.
The tension between Bailey and Warren, however, we cannot allow to escalate. We simply cannot, after how long this show has allowed them to stay together and all that this has entailed. I will not have it. We must not stand for it. Admittedly, it was a little nice to have most of their drama reserved for the spinoff, but that can't be helped. They don't call it a medical drama for nothing, after all.
There is, of course, the possibility that these previously mentioned "good things" -- especially Meredith and Nick -- could turn out not so great. Though at this point, it's probably unlikely that these writers would break Meredith's spirit again at this point for multiple reasons. The main one, unfortunately, being that Meredith is no longer a main character and, therefore, only has so much screen time each season. Leave the drama for the interns and attendings? Let's go with that.
Speaking of, the biggest tragedy of Levi's absence so far this season really has been the limited amount of Helm time. Our girl deserves better. Although, we're already juggling a lot of characters and plotlines this season, and the best way to keep Helm safe is probably to keep her out of the main story beats. We've learned that the hard way too many times over. And will probably have to relearn it again all too soon.