Following an episode that spends most of its time pushing its main characters to the sideline, "Face Off" seems to remember, for the most part, who the show's central characters are. While the new additions still play an integral role in the events of the episode, Jordan, Layla, and Coop have storylines of their own rather than acting on the edge of the story for when the new characters need them. Although it may not be as forceful as it had been in the past, "Face Off" was still an important step in knowing that the show remembers the legacy that Jordan, Layla, and Coop have helped create for All American.
Finally, Jordan's search for his long-lost uncle becomes a primary plot point after mostly disappearing from the series at the beginning of season seven. While Jordan's detective streak is recalled for not being exactly on target, which Layla reminds him of, Jordan's quest is not nearly over yet, especially as his sights are set on his boss, Coach Bobby, being his estranged relative. Jordan may be looking for a family connection to make him feel closer to Billy, but it is still a question of whether Coach Bobby is truly the person Jordan is looking for or if Billy's brother's identity will remain a mystery a little longer. Still, this storyline is a bit repetitive, having been used in All American's first season when Jordan was convinced that Spencer was his and Olivia's brother, and then again in All American: Homecoming, when Simone and J.R. were both speculating that Damon had been a relative of one of them. Jordan's plot thread searching for his uncle, while somewhat interesting, is not the connection to the show's beginning that the series may want it to be.
KJ makes that connection in a much simpler way by looking into old Beverly High School football plays that could help his roster of Eagles win games. Inspired by the playmaking of the Baker family, KJ is excited to share his findings with his teammates, and any connections to All American's early days showing Jordan and Spencer's time as teammates help connect the show's ingrained history to its present. Cassius' initial refusal to use the Baker plays is just as predictable as KJ's eventual decision to run the play against his father's wishes anyway. Granted, KJ's decision to run onto the field wearing Jordan's old number was a refreshing take on paying tribute to the past as KJ takes a stand to show the type of quarterback he wants to be at Beverly High School.
However, where the football plot still remains messy is with the decision to introduce Yasi in the season premiere as a big deal, only for him to have next to nothing to do with KJ or Jordan in the following episodes. Jordan's role is to be the Quarterback Coach, and yet, outside of the season premiere, he has had almost nothing to do with Yasi, as all of Jordan's energy is going toward becoming a mentor to Khalil. While Jordan's relationship with Khalil presents a potential new look at the next generation of what Billy and Spencer were to each other, what was the point of presenting Yasi as being oppositional to Jordan's role as an authority figure if they barely interacted afterward? While Jordan has made references to focusing primarily on Yasi's performance on the field, his connection as a mentor is entirely devoted to Khalil to the point where it may make more sense to turn Khalil into Crenshaw High School's new quarterback, seeing as Yasi is not relevant to the storyline. This is two-fold for Yasi's dynamic with KJ as well, which has also disappeared to never be seen or heard of again, as their friendship from camp had evaporated the moment school started.
Meanwhile, the other major plot point of "Face Off" finds All American finding its roots in Layla's relationship with her mental health and struggle to accept that one of her childhood favorite musicians, Elle Grant, had grown up and regretted making several problematic statements about depression and mental illness. All American spent a lot of time in previous seasons discussing Layla's relationship with her own mental health, and it brings the storyline back again when Layla is forced to confront potentially working with Elle Grant as a songwriter. Layla's relationship with the music industry had been put on hold for most of season six as it focused her attention heavily on her Cafe, mental health, and preparations for her wedding to Jordan. But, season seven's decision to bring Layla back into music and show an understanding that people can grow and change after making massive mistakes when they are young show a lot of promise for what Layla's storylines may be in future episodes, as long as All American is consistent on keeping Layla as a forefront part of the show.
For the most part, Coop shares Layla's storyline, striving to remind Layla that real growth is possible. While Coop's journey through law school has been placed on the back burner again, Coop does not disappear entirely to the side. Instead, All American uses Coop and Layla's history as a way to have Layla see the potential positives of forming a professional relationship with Elle Grant. There is certainly more to be desired for Coop personally, academically, and professionally, as All American has yet to even officially confirm small details such as Coop's current living arrangements, if she has a job or plans on getting one following Laura's exit, and how she has continued adjusting to taking this next step in her life after her panic attack on campus.
"Face Off" is not perfect, but it does a better job of blending the storylines of the original and new characters into one episode. Seeing Khalil struggle with his father blends in very well with the new mentor/mentee relationship he has established with Jordan by being on the football team. Cassius finally directly addresses his negativity toward Jordan and the Baker legacy at Beverly High School as he and KJ potentially move toward embracing the past and present to create a new legacy. While certain things still may be up for debate, like how logically Layla or Coop could interact with any of the new characters other than Amina, All American still offered an episode that does a better job of putting a heavier focus on Jordan, Layla, and Coop.