While August is still technically summer, people are getting ready for Halloween. That’s why I was so excited to pick up The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan.
Morgan has written a few other books, but The Witch is Back is the first one of hers I’ve ever seen and knew I wanted to read. Plus it’s a witchy romance book, those are so hot right now.
They’re so hot in fact that I’m sure you’ll see this book pop up in a witchy romance books list. I won’t say when but I know it’ll be coming within the next few months but this was my first witchy book of the season.
Before getting into my review, I’d like to thank Harlequin for sending me a digital ARC to read before release.
The Witch is Back is a sweet and fun witchy romance story.
Let me start by saying that I share a birthday with this book and this book starts on the main character, Emmaline’s birthday. Of course, we find out why that’s important later but let’s get into the plot.
Emma is supposed to get married to Bastian who is her best friend yet before it can happen, he leaves. Bastian returns seven years later to get Emma to agree to marry him in exchange for helping him save his mother. It’s honestly such a unique plot and it ends up making for a delightful romance.
The two are very hesitant around each other at first, especially Emma. Even so, the romance between these two develops and it’s adorable. While they do have some sexy moments, the book is more about them reconnecting and forging a new bond after the intense hurt the two of them went through.
In addition, we follow Emma as she’s the co-owner of a human bar with her best friends, Tia and Leah. Bastian even decides to be a bartender for Toil & Trouble yet things get complicated as Bastian and Emma both have secrets they don’t want to reveal to each other.
While it seems like a conversation could solve all of their problems, things end up being much more complicated. I enjoyed the “twist” of what happened with Bastian and how it related to their agreement. I feel like that was so clever and I knew saw it coming so I have to give Sophie H. Morgan props for that.
The Witch is Back was an incredibly fun witchy romance yet I do feel like the romance took a bit longer to develop than I’d like. While I enjoyed their relationship, I wish we would have had a bit more relationship development before they started being intimate.
Regardless, The Witch is Back is such a fun summer read yet will be great for those transitioning into fall reads.
The Witch is Back by Sophie H. Morgan is out now where books are sold.