Sometimes you hear a pitch for a book and you know immediately it’s going to be great. That’s the exact feeling I had about Cat Fight.
Coming out from IDW Publishing, this is a new miniseries. Broken into six issues, the series was written by Andrew Wheeler with art by Ilias Kyriazis, inks by Auguste, and colors by Dennis Yatras. You might recognize Wheeler from the multiple comics he’s written including Another Castle and Sins of the Black Flamingo.
All of these talented people came together to work on Cat Fight which I’ll share more about below but I’ll give you a taste. It mixes fashion with heists and even, a bit of some underground hierarchies mixed in. Honestly, that sounds amazing to me.
That’s why I’m happy to be able to share two of the multiple covers featured along with an exclusive excerpt shared only for us at Culturess. Of course, you’ll be able to get Cat Fight #1 on May 31st but this is just a sneak peek.
Here’s another stunning cover for Cat Fight #1 before its release!

As you might imagine, these covers were all drawn by different artists yet all represent this series in a different way. The featured image was done by Swooney Boo while the others were done by Ilias Kyriazis and Alex Moore. Honestly, there are so many options you really can’t go wrong.
OF course, I’m sure you’re most excited about seeing the excerpt. What’s cool is that the publisher shared with us the process pages so we watch it go from pencil, and ink to color before your eyes. I’ll be featuring them within the new few slides.
If you’re excited about Cat Fight, I’m going to share the synopsis from the publisher:
"“Caught up in the glamor and excessive lifestyle of an international career criminal, Felix Lamarr lives only for the thrill of the next big score. Suddenly contacted by his estranged and wealthy grandmother, he is shocked to learn that she is a storied career criminal herself—the lithe and legendary burglar Kitty Midnight—and that she wants him to partner with her cat-themed associates on a lucrative upcoming heist. Unaccustomed to collaboration, Felix declines Kitty’s offer…but a shocking incident sends his life into a sudden, chaotic tailspin. Framed for murder and on the run from a mysterious syndicate, he leaps at full-throttle from one international hot spot to the next in a deadly game of cat and mouse!”"
If that premise sounds at all interesting to you, I’d highly recommend checking out Cat Fight #1 when it drops on May 31st. Until then, you can enjoy our exclusive excerpt from IDW.