Radiant Sin is the best Dark Olympus book published yet

Radiant Sin by Katee Robert. Image courtesy Sourcebooks Casablanca
Radiant Sin by Katee Robert. Image courtesy Sourcebooks Casablanca /

Some authors just have that magic about them and Katee Robert is one of them so when I was sent an ARC of Radiant Sin, I essentially dropped everything to read it.

For those who have been following and loving the Dark Olympus series, this shouldn’t come as any surprise. If you haven’t read the series yet, then what are you waiting for? The vibes are immaculate and it is easily one of my favorite romance series ever.

Additionally, with how much writing Katee is doing, the series is slowly but surely making its way into our hands. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though as the current release is Radiant Sin which is book 4 in the series.

Thus far in Dark Olympus, we’ve seen some incredible pairings but Radiant Sin might be my new favorite.

Radiant Sin is the best Dark Olympus book published thus far.

If you couldn’t tell from my statement above, I absolutely loved and adored Radiant Sin by Katee Robert. While I usually am more objective in my reviews, I have to speak plainly. I adored this book and I don’t think I’ve loved a book in this series quite like this one.

This is Apollo and Cassandra’s story. Apollo is a member of the Thirteen while Cassandra works for him as his right-hand essentially. While the two start off by just having a working relationship, it’s clear both of them have more intense feelings for each other. It all comes to a head when the two are forced to fake date to figure out an outsider’s plan for Olympus.

As far as characters go, Apollo is a character who is a sweet and caring man outside of the bedroom but surprisingly, dominant in there. As for Cassandra, she’s not everyone’s cup of tea as she’s incredibly blunt, honest, and at times, a bitch. Even so, these two complement each other so well that and end up having the hottest tension and eventually, chemistry as they spend more and more time together.

If you’ve read Katee Robert before, you’ll know she’s famous for writing incredibly sexy steamy scenes and Radiant Sin was no expectation. This book was smoking from the sexual tension between the two before they get in bed and after. It was just everything I had been wishing and hoping for from this series.

The biggest surprise for me was how the plot of this one played out. Personally, I felt like the previous books in the series centered the action too much toward the end of the book. This time, it was so well-paced and by the end, I was on the edge of my seat to see what happened. The plot for this one really ramps up and makes me even more excited for book 5.

While I usually talk about some of the elements I disliked at the end, I don’t have anything to talk about here. I generally loved and adored Radiant Sin so I don’t have anything to complain about with this one. If I need to give you a reason to pick this one up, do it because you want to be happy and Radiant Sin will do that for you.

Next. 15 anticipated romance books to add to your 2023 TBR. dark

Radiant Sin by Katee Robert is out now wherever books are sold. 

Will you be picking Radiant Sin by Katee Robert? Do you have a favorite pairing from the series? Let us know in the comments.