Do you need to go to Chase Bank on New Year’s Eve?
Banking is never fun to do unless you’re someone who makes money off of it. It can be a chore. Especially if you’re trying to catch up on your chores for the month. If you fell behind due to Christmas or the holiday season, or maybe you’re trying to get a jump start on the bills coming in on Jan. 2, you may need to head off to the bank on New Year’s Eve, just to make sure you have a head-start.
If you’re banking at Chase Bank, New Year’s Eve will be an opportunity to get things done. Like most banks in the United States, Chase Bank will in fact be open on New Year’s Eve, just like many other national bank chains.
So you can show up on Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022, and get your banking done but keep in mind while they will be open, it’s Saturday, so the hours of operation will be closed earlier than their regular weekly schedule.
So it’s important to know what time your bank usually closes on a Saturday, as your Chase Bank will adhere to those usual hours of operation.
If you miss your window on New Year’s Eve, can you go to Chase Bank on Jan. 1?
Not everyone can clear their schedules to go to the bank on a Saturday. Moreover, some people work late to the point where they’re getting up at noon the next day. That’s why banks are usually open in the evening.
So if you’ve missed your window to go to Chase Bank on Saturday, you may be thinking “that’s ok, I’ll go tomorrow”. Except, you won’t. Not only is Jan. 1 a federal holiday, meaning that banks would be closed regardless, but it’s also a Sunday.
That means banks are closed regardless of the holiday.