National Candle Day: Top-5 candles to pick up at Bath and Body Works

Bath & Body Works associates help customers.Jl Black Friday 112621 03
Bath & Body Works associates help customers.Jl Black Friday 112621 03
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Bath and Body Works
A person carries a Bath and Body Works shopping bag. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images)

#2 Watermelon Lemonade

If summer had an official scent, it would be the Watermelon Lemonade candle from BBW. This candle smells like a summertime afternoon by the pool with an iced beverage. If you need a more official description here are the notes listed on the website:  watermelon ice, sparkling water, and Meyer lemon.

Whether it is spring or summer, or if there are multiple feet of snow on the ground, light up a Watermelon Lemonade candle, if you close your eyes you may be mistaken that it is a sunny mid-July afternoon.

#1 Mahogany Teakwood Intense

If you do not like strong candles you can skip over this section or opt for this candle’s younger less powerful sibling Mahogany Teakwood. However, if you are like me and the stronger the better, Mahogany Teakwood Intense is for you. This next sentence is not an understatement, whether you are in an apartment, or a two-story house this candle fills the entire residence with its wonderful ambiance. The notes this candle boasts are as follows: rich mahogany, black teakwood, dark oak, and frosted lavender.

Unfortunately, this beauty has already sold out online, but you can still visit a Bath and Body Works near you to try and snag a piece of this luxury. Because this candle simply smells like a luxury, it hits on everything one could want in a candle, clean, yet musky at the same time. This candle is truly Bath and Body Works chef kiss!

There you have some suggestions to help with your candle day experience. What are your favorite candles from BBW? Share them in the comment section below, or with Culturess on social media.