If you’re a reader, you’re probably familiar with Elle Kennedy. If you’re not a reader, then you’re in luck.
Elle Kennedy is an extremely popular new adult author. You might recognize her from her Off-Campus series which begins with The Deal. The book was released back in 2015 but is still beloved almost a decade later. It eventually spawned an entire series and even a short story collection released in 2021.
While Elle Kennedy is known for the Off-Campus series, she also has a few other series ongoing at the moment but the Prep series is something new. As you might imagine, this series follows students at a prep school. If you’ve read this author before, you know she can write drama and tension like no other and this series is no expectation.
Let’s not belabor a point, though. You’re here to see the cover reveal for Misfit and read an excerpt but that’s not the only surprise I have up my sleeve.
Here’s your first look at the cover for Misfit by Elle Kennedy.

Maybe it’s just me but I am obsessed with this cover. For me, Elle Kennedy has always had great covers but this one takes it in an entirely new direction. While most of her books feature people on the cover, the more abstract cover works incredibly well. With the purple, gold, and white all working together, your eyes can’t stop looking.
If you’re an Elle Kennedy fan, then you’ll no doubt either want to have this book on your shelves to read, re-read or just display. Regardless if you’re reading this book for the first time or the 10th time, you’ll want to own this book if only to be able to display it on your shelves.
However, if you’re not so sure about Misfit just yet, then have no fear as we have an excerpt to share with you in a moment. Before finishing up with that though, I did promise a surprise which is that I’m also revealing the cover for Rogue which is book 2 in the Prep series. Hold onto your hats because this cover is also stunning.
Check out the cover for Rogue by Elle Kennedy which is book 2 in the series.

Once again, this is another stunning cover. Honestly, I can’t even decide which cover I like more because they’re both so gorgeous. No matter if you’re more interested in the content of the book, then I’m happy to share an excerpt from Misfit by Elle Kennedy below.
Check out an official excerpt from Misfit by Elle Kennedy below.
"Later, walking out of our history class at the end of the day, Fenn crumples up our essay rubric and tosses it over his shoulder. “This is bullshit. Who assigns a paper on the first day?”Ten chapters and two thousand words by Friday. Like we don’t have other classes to worry about.“A sadist,” I reply. I shift the strap of my Sandover-issued messenger bag to my other shoulder. “And what does this place have against backpacks? Why do I have to carry a purse over here? Motherfucking sadists, the lot of them.” I shake my head. “See you back at the dorm.”“What? Hell no.” Fenn pulls on my man-purse when I try to duck out. “You’re coming with me.”“Where?”“I’ve got soccer practice. You should come hang out.”“Like sit in the stands with the girlfriends and groupies? Yeah, pass.”We exit the rear of the building toward a side of campus I haven’t explored yet. Huge old-growth trees shade the lawn and brick paths toward a complex of sports fields. Even in the shadow of the massive oaks, it’s hotter than the hood of an Indy car out there and my socks become soaked with sweat. I peel out of my blazer and yank my tie off. Fenn shakes his head, knowing he’ll be watching me mess with it again in the morning.“All right. Stop,” he orders. “Stop walking. We need to have a chat.”I swallow a sigh. “Do we?”“Yes,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest.“Christ, you’re such a drama queen. Fine. Go.”“You’re a good-looking dude,” he starts.“Are you hitting on me?”“You wish.”My sigh slips out.“I’m just saying, you’re good-looking, which means there’s no excuse for you to be a lazy, low-effort, antisocial asshole. You could be pulling chicks left and right if you made an effort. Like, those ripped jeans and hoodies you wear? I get it. Rebel without a cause. Cool. But I’ve got a rep to maintain—”“Wait, this is about you?” I cut in, my tone dry.“Of course it’s about me.” He sounds frazzled. “I can’t be brothers with the weird loner. It would be one thing if you were ugly—then everyone would see your antisocial self and think you’re alone because I want nothing to do with you. Know what I mean?”“Not really.”“But no, you have to be fucking good-looking. So now everyone is shaking their heads thinking, why won’t this guy chill with Bishop? Well, fuck you, Remington. Not on my watch. Would it kill you to make an effort?”“Why do I care about your rep?”“You don’t care about anything,” he gripes.He’s not wrong. I’ve never cared too deeply about shit, except maybe my tech. Break my monitors, and watch me care a hell of a lot. But everything else, friends, school, chicks… I go with the flow, never investing too heavily in one particular thing. And what’s so wrong about that? I mind my business and do my thing. If more people followed my lead, maybe we’d be closer to achieving world peace or some shit.“Come meet the guys,” Fenn says irritably. “Be goddamn social for a change. I’m not letting you sit in our room like a sociopath all semester.”"
All in all, it’s a great day to be an Elle Kennedy fan. Also, it’s a great day if you just love pretty covers as these are gorgeous. No matter what you’re looking for, the beautiful covers of the Prep series and the excerpt above will hopefully more than convince you to check out this author and these books.
What do you think of the Prep series covers? Are you an Elle Kennedy fan? Share with us in the comments.