While most people associate October with Halloween, National Pizza Month is also an October “holiday” of sorts with Best in Dough being the perfect compliment.
Yes, October is also known as National Pizza Month. While pizza is such a beloved food, there’s really no shortage of how you can decide to celebrate. Whether you’re ordering it, cooking it or trying something different, there is no wrong way to celebrate.
However, if you’re feeling like you’re in the mood for more than just eating pizza, then Best in Dough might be next up on your queue. Plus it’s another great excuse to decide to order some pizza and spend the night in with fall weather vastly approaching.
If you’re looking to celebrate National Pizza Month in 2022, now is the ideal time to try out Hulu’s new series, Best in Dough.
Best in Dough is a perfect watch for National Pizza Month 2022.
If you think you’ve seen it all, you haven’t seen anything yet especially when it comes to pizza competition shows. Best in Dough takes the cake or should we say pizza pie? Hosted by Wells Adams, the show is a twist on the classic cooking competition show and frankly, it’s a lot of fun to watch.
Having premiered in September 2022, the show has the same format in which a group of three contestants face off. The first round is the “Out-Of-The-Box” challenge in which the cooks are tasked with a challenge that’s supposed to be out of their comfort zone. After the judges pick a winner from the first round, they get the choice between an advantage in the next round or a prize.
Once the winner makes their decision, the second challenge known as the “Final Dough Down” is the deciding factor on who gets the $10,000 cash prize. However, unlike in the first round, there is a group of six people or a jury that will help crown the winner along with the judges. In the end, the winner is crowned and we get a preview at the next episode.
What makes this show so fun for National Pizza Month though is the different contestants featured on the show and the challenges the show decides to come up with. In the first episode which featured three Nonnas, they were tasked with creating a pizza trend that is unlike their traditional sensibilities. Then in a later episode, we saw three competitive pizza chefs who had to jazz up a frozen pizza but couldn’t do anything about the dough.
Another reason why I love it aside from my love of pizza is the show is a lot of fun. You really never know what’s going to happen or what the contestants are going to create. That’s enough to make me keep tuning in as Season 1 of the show hasn’t fully premiered yet. Regardless, now is the time to get caught up before the final batch of the episodes is released on October 3rd.
Have you checked out Hulu’s Best In Dough yet? How are you celebrating National Pizza Month? Sound off in the comments.