July is almost over which means summer is slowly coming to an end. Hopefully, you were able to find some new favorite books including Summoning Up Love.
Even if you weren’t, that’s why “#TBRTrending” exists. It’s basically a way to help you bump your TBR and find some new books or authors to check out. No matter which way you decide to add books to your TBR, the important thing is that you’re reading.
For me though, it’s always nice to find a book that’s a surprise as long as it’s a good surprise. It’s also really cool when it’s a new-to-you author, too. That’s why this final book for July was the perfect pick as this book was a major surprise for me and was an author I’ve never read from before.
Honestly, it’s a bit embarrassing that I’ve only read one book by Synithia Williams. Even so, her 2022 release, Summoning Up Love should be an essential read for your 2022 Summer/Fall TBR.
Summoning Up Love is the perfect book for a cool summer night.
Of all the books featured thus far, this one has the lowest amount of ratings on Goodreads and that’s why it was the perfect choice for a #TBRTrending feature. Summoning Up Love follows Vanessa who is staying at her grandmother’s beach house after losing her job and fiance. She ends up meeting Dion Livingston, a local blue-collar worker who moonlights as a ghost hunter.
As wacky as that concept might seem, this book is equal parts about the romance between Vanessa and Dion along with them growing as people. Personally, I really enjoyed seeing Vanessa and Dion come to realizations about themselves and their careers. However, the book doesn’t focus too much on the characters.
What makes this book so enjoyable is the ghost-hunting aspect and how it’s incorporated with Vanessa’s grandmother. I won’t give anything away, because that plotline is pretty unique but it doesn’t take away from the romance. If anything, there’s even a small romantic moment weaved into the “ghostly moment.”
If you needed any more reason to read this book, it’s also a Black love story and is one of the best books I’ve had the pleasure of reading this year. Additionally, Summoning Up Love has less than 100 ratings on Goodreads which is a travesty. If you’re interested in this book at all, then you need to read it or at least, add it to your TBR.
Do you plan on checking out Summoning Up Love by Synithia Williams? Be sure to share in the comments.