Apple TV+ has officially renewed its original comedy series, Loot, for a second season. Loot stars Maya Rudolph as Molly Novak, a freshly divorced billionaire searching for her purpose in the world after years of not having an active role.
As Molly gets involved with a charity foundation she owns, she slowly starts to understand the world is bigger than the successful bubble she has spent so many years absorbed in. But, Molly’s strive to prove herself and make a real name out of her own accomplishments does not come without comedic stepbacks.
Loot always remembers its place as a comedy. It toes the line of Molly’s ignorance toward the world without trying to make her unlikeable, given her obliviousness to the horrors people face. Molly, a mega-billionaire who spent years of her life with comfortable money, does not know the basic survival necessities of the homeless. But, Molly does not sit comfortably in ignorance.
Rather than not caring about her lack of information, Molly and her new work friends strive to ensure Molly understands what the charity foundation stands for, its actions, and how the world functions for those with less money than Molly.
Mostly a workplace comedy, many of the storylines take place in or are about the charity foundation’s next obstacle. But, Loot is also working toward building new friendships and connections, including the unexpecting bond between Nicholas and Howard or the potential romantic dynamic between Molly and Arthur.
Loot finds parody in making fun of obscene amounts of money while trying to balance it with Molly’s journey of self-discovery and growth. As she develops, her co-workers do as well. In addition, Molly is surrounded by comedic and interesting supporting characters who help allow the stories to grow.
The Maya Rudolph-led comedy is just getting started, and a second season at Apple TV+ will allow the storylines and characters to develop further.