Hulu has officially renewed its hit mystery comedy series, Only Murders In The Building, for a third season. The series blew up in its first season as Charles, Mabel, and Oliver, hilariously portrayed by Steve Martin, Selena Gomez, and Martin Short, decide to make a murder podcast surrounding the mysterious death of Tim Kono.
The three residents of the Arconia apartment building built a friendship out of their group investigation into Tim’s death. Their quest eventually leads them to the truth that Charles’ girlfriend Jan was responsible for Tim’s demise.
Season two takes on a similar approach of Charles, Mabel, and Oliver attempting to solve a murder. But, it comes with more stakes. This time, Charles, Mabel, and Oliver are people of interest in the investigation of Bunny’s death.
Charles, Mabel, and Oliver must solve the mystery of who the real killer is before they can be arrested for her murder, as season two has portrayed the trio as potentially being framed for Bunny’s death.
Along the way, the trio also has individual projects they are looking toward, such as Charles being asked to join a “Brazzos” reboot and Mabel’s interest in becoming an artist. Their adventure to discover the truth about who Bunny really was as they try to figure out who killed her and why is one of the most substantial elements of the second season.
Only Murders In The Building also created a subplot of another podcast, “Only Murderers In The Building,” following an outside perspective of Charles, Mabel, and Oliver’s journey.
The second season has continued the heart and humor the first season created so well as it continues to rely on the chemistry between the three central characters. A third season would resume telling new mysteries and stories but would likely keep up the funny plot lines and scenarios for which the series has become known.