For the most part, romance books have a pretty similar structure. However, things vary with the characters, their identities, and their challenges.
With June serving as Pride Month in the United States, it would only be right to talk about some romance books featuring LGBTQIA+ representation. While there are plenty of books to choose from, this list isn’t going to follow the typical structure.
While most lists will feature the books, I’m going to be featuring a trope and then talking about a book or two that feature that trope. The twist is that the book either has to feature a character who is LGBT+ or an author who identifies as such.
Of course, I’d love to know any recommendations you have for romance books featuring LGBT+ characters, so be sure to share them below. Even if you don’t love romance books, you might end up finding something new to check out or even an author worth looking into
Before getting started, there are a lot of extremely popular romance tropes, and it’s not always easy to feature them all, so be sure to let us know if you enjoy this and would like a part two with even more romance tropes.