The thing about romantic comedies is that when done well, they have a heart that makes viewers love them or an iconic moment that pop culture finds a way to recreate if given the opportunity. Unfortunately, however, Netflix’s new romantic comedy, The Royal Treatment, is relatively forgettable.
Although such a genre has had many films, and not all of them have succeeded, one of the issues with The Royal Treatment is that it never entirely breaks away to make a name for itself. Instead, it falls within the familiar storyline of two people with drastically different backgrounds eventually falling in love. In this case, it occurs between a Prince and a New York hairdresser.
The Royal Treatment has a simple enough premise, with Prince Thomas being intrigued by his hairdresser, Izzy, to enough of a degree to encourage Izzy and her co-workers to be the hairdressers for his upcoming wedding.
When Izzy’s friends are stuck in hair boot camp to grasp the simple and bland but sophisticated taste of royalty, Izzy has already passed her test and spends her time traveling the local city. Izzy realizes the economic difference between the richer and poorer sides of town by doing so. Izzy’s discovery sets off her eventual bonding with Thomas as they work together to help improve the conditions in the poorer side of town.
The Royal Treatment even allows Thomas’s fiancé, Lauren, to have goals and dreams about her future. Lauren wants to start a business but is not interested in getting married. This decision saves Lauren from being the movie’s antagonist. Lauren has as little interest in this arranged marriage as Thomas, and by setting up the film that way, there is no unnecessary drama or conflict between Thomas and Lauren or Lauren and Izzy.
However, The Royal Treatment does not avoid clichés entirely and instead relies on another well-known trope to get the job done. Although Lauren may not be interested in the wedding, her mother sure is.
Lauren is being forced to marry Thomas because it is what her parents want for her, not what Lauren wants for herself. Lauren’s mother even becomes the movie’s villain when she is behind the public reveal of Thomas and Izzy’s growing relationship.
Yet, this trope does not work out entirely because Lauren’s relationship with her mother was not given enough screentime or development.
But, overall, where The Royal Treatment struggles is its ability to stand out. A girl who falls for a Prince has been done several times over. What is so different about this one? Sadly, not much, which is likely how it may eventually get lost in the shuffle.
The Royal Treatment is enjoyable enough and will likely keep its audience entertained throughout the runtime. Still, even its best moments can not save The Royal Treatment from being a forgettable yet straightforward movie.