Marissa Meyer’s young adult fantasy series, “The Lunar Chronicles,” is getting recognized for the on-screen potential it presents. Locksmith Animation is optioning the book series for film. The novels consist of “Cinder,” “Scarlet,” “Cress,” “Winter,” “Stars Above,” and “Fairest.”
Each novel in the series features a dystopian retelling of famous fairytales, such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, and Snow White. However, these are not your ordinary princesses or light-hearted Disney adaptations.
“The Lunar Chronicles” is a world burdened by a plague, and rather than damsels in distresses, the girls of the novels are epic heroes, showing their skills and talents in different ways.
However, not every central character is introduced immediately. “The Lunar Chronicles” takes its time introducing the significant characters, initially portraying Cinder and Prince Kai as the two initial leads before rounding out the rest of the Rampion Crew with Scarlet, Wolf, Thorne, Cress, Winter, and Jacin.
The Rampion Crew’s goal is to eventually remove the evil Levana Blackburn, Queen of Luna, from power. The novels are intriguing and excitingly written with plot twists, relationships, and character development that keep it fascinating as the world-building grows with each page.
“The Lunar Chronicles” is an intricate series, but there are so many elements about it that deserve an on-screen adaptation. Although adaptations may be risky, this series has enough story to make it work. In addition, the use of animation gives the potential films the chance to bring to life elements that may not look as satisfying if they were to be portrayed in a live-action movie.
Young adult fantasy novels have proven to be a profitable market between the Harry Potter, Twilight, and Hunger Games franchises, among several others. “The Lunar Chronicles” is a world that deserves the chance to join the ranks of successful book-to-film adaptions.