On Friday, January 21, Disney+ announced new additions to their streaming service, which included Marvel Studios One-Shot shorts. Marvel One-Shots were a series of short clips that were set within the MCU and were originally included in a film’s DVD and Blu-ray releases. According to Kevin Feige, Marvel One-Shots were a great way to explore potential storylines that went unexplored in the finished film, giving fans extra content that went beyond the main story.
Five One-Shots were added to Disney+ on Friday; these include, Team Thor: Part 1, Team Thor: Part 2, Team Darryl, The Consultant, and Agent Carter. The One-Shots that seemed to have already been available via Disney+, include, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor’s Hammer, Item 47, and All Hail the King. All eight One-Shots can now be found together under the Marvel Studios One-Shot Collection, which is currently highlighted in the New to Disney+ section on the app.
One-Shots may have been Marvel Studios’ way to play.
The Marvel Studios One-Shot concept seems quite similar to Pixar’s approach in releasing theatrical shorts, which they often include at the beginning of their feature films. The purpose of Pixar shorts is for creators to experiment with storytelling, ideas and to play with new technologies. Though the most recent One-Shot was released back in 2018, these short films may have been Marvel Studios’ way of playing with storytelling, which has led to some of their more recent content. For instance, the studio had originally planned a One-Shot for Loki but scrapped the idea of the character running a nightclub in the 1970s. Fans were given last year’s Loki series instead, which had huge implications for the future of the MCU. Another example involves the One-Shot, All Hail the King. This brought in the Mandarin and the Ten Rings organization, which we saw come to fruition last year with, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.
The future of One-Shots
Will we see more One-Shots in the future? It’s possible, but it all comes down to Marvel Studios finding the time to do it. “We talk about it a lot. We’re a relatively small team. We’re comfortable doing three movies a year, so it’s just about finding the time and the place. But we have a backlog of ideas,” Kevin Feige explained to /Film.
With having released four films and five series last year, time may not be something Marvel Studios has a lot of these days.
What One-Shots would you want to see come to life on the big screen? Share your ideas in the comments!