Maybe it’s because of the #FreeBritney movement, but it does not feel like Britney is 40 years old. The songstress and pop megastar celebrated her birthday this past week on December 2nd. While she might be celebrating much more as of recent, being that her multi-year conservatorship ended, it is fitting for fans alike to celebrate her music. Here are a few of the best Britney Spears singles to celebrate her 40th birthday (that are not going to age just like her)!
Britney Spears music rewind
Oops!… I Did It Again
The song of all Britney songs had to be on the lists! It’s the song that many of us karaoke and celebrities sing on talk shows. And, arguably, was the song that solidified her place in the pop music industry after …Baby One More Time introduced her into the music industry.
…Baby One More Time
It was the song that came at a time of the Backstreet Boys and NYSNC. Christina Aguilera was in the mix but it seemed like Britney was churning hit after hit – even years later and in collaboration.
Me Against The Music
While she might have had a controversial performance with her fellow pop superstar the Video Music Awards, it proved that Britney could expand her range and do more than pop and versify the type of pop music and music she performed.
And the hits continued! With Toxic she continued working on dance music and her routines that focused on amazing fans. The music video wowed fans and so did the song.
Womanizer was Britney’s first chart-topping single since …Baby One More Time. While it didn’t come till 2009, it reminded fans, the world, and the music industry alike of Britney’s power as a performer.
Sure, there are many more hits. But these were the early ones that shaped her career. Now that Britney has the freedom to control her career, we will wait to see if new hits will be coming our way.
What is your favorite Britney song? Was it on the list? Sound off below in the comments. We would love to know!