2021 has been an interesting year to say the last. As readers though, we’ve had plenty of content to keep up going especially with romance books. Authors have made sure we got that good boost of serotonin to make us even a little happy while the world seems to be falling apart.
In particular, 2021 has introduced us to a plethora of debut authors, the return of some forgotten authors, and the ending of beloved series. All in all, 2021 has not been a bad year for publishing as a whole. While things have gotten delayed and pushed back multiple times, there have always been new books out there for us to check out.
As 2021 comes to a close though, most of us are either scrambling to meet our Goodreads goal or to read all of the books we planned to at the beginning of the year. With lists upon lists of anticipated reads, there have been plenty of hyped romance books in 2021. However, if you’re looking for a few more or just need a palate cleanser, then these books might just work for you.
Even if you’re not normally a romance reader, some of these books might be worth checking out as they have mass appeal. If you are a romance reader, be sure to comment and let us know the books you have on your end-of-the-year TBR.
The first romance book blew up on BookTok and must be on your TBR.
The first romance book you need to read before 2022 is “The Love Hypothesis” by Ali Hazelwood. This is easily one of the most popular romance books of the year and rightfully so as it’s been blowing up everywhere. If you haven’t heard of it, let’s get into a short yet spoiler-free synopsis of what the book is about.
This book follows Olive who is determined to give her friend permission to date her ex and to do that, she strikes up a bargain with a surly professor to fake-date him as a way to show her friend how happy she is. Shenanigans ensue from there and it’s a trope-filled romp from then on. While it can be a bit over-the-top at times, it’s clear why this book is appealing to both non-romance and romance readers.
If you can only get your hands on one book from this list, I’d suggest “The Love Hypothesis.” It was not my favorite romance of the year, but it’s clear the internet at large loves it.