Nancy Drew was all about the parental drama in The Vision of the Birchwood Prisoner

Nancy Drew -- "The Vision of the Birchwood Prisoner" -- Image Number: NCD305b_0006r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Osric Chau as Edwin and Leah Lewis as George -- Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Nancy Drew -- "The Vision of the Birchwood Prisoner" -- Image Number: NCD305b_0006r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Osric Chau as Edwin and Leah Lewis as George -- Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Nancy Drew is in the middle of its third season and while our overarching mystery is still playing out, the fifth episode “The Vision of the Birchwood Prisoner” brought parental drama. And although Nancy seems to be doing well with her two fathers in the house, things were not so great for George or Ace this time around.

First up, we have to give major props to Osric Chau for stepping into the role of George’s absentee father. He did feel like he could have been her dad, and he gave us a guy who isn’t the father of the year material.

While George is trying to get things in her life sorted so that she can live out the 10 years she has without regrets and unanswered questions, the reality is that her father made it clear that his actions were all about himself. He didn’t care that he was leaving a child behind with no concern over her well-being. And it proved once again that George is more than just a fighter, she is a survivor.

But George was not the only member of the Drew Crew to face parental conflict. And while we often think of Nancy Drew as having dad issues, this time around it was Ace who had to deal with some major fallout.

Nancy Drew sees members of the Drew Crew dealing with daddy issues

Ace made some major errors in judgment when he gave Mr. Bobbsey rides around town and even did deliveries for him. Considering the man’s history, one would think that Ace would be more careful when doing favors for someone, even the girl he is dating (aka Amanda Bobbsey).

However, just because Ace is a smart guy, that doesn’t mean he can’t make mistakes. And this was a massive mistake and one that led to a major blowout between him and his father.

With Ace’s dad being a member of the police department, it makes sense that Ace wouldn’t necessarily want to involve his father in what was going on. But at the same time, he messed up by not saying anything.

Yet, this decision also came with a fight that we didn’t see coming. Because now, the fact that his dad has a secret son is out (at least somewhat). And it means that Ace has been kicked out of the house.

It’s a good thing he has good friends in the form of other members of the Drew Crew and Ned has his back. But what we want is a reconciliation between Ace and his dad.

Honestly, this parental storyline is the kind of material we come back for. While we love the mysteries and supernatural stories, it is the relationships that leave us wanting more. And those relationships include more than just romantic relationships. It is about familial relationships and friendships.

But what did you think of The Vision of the Birchwood Prisoner? Were you as invested in the family drama as we were? Or did you think this episode was more about the mystery and solving the additional frozen heart murders? We want to know.