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As the holiday season approaches, it’s time to dust off our old sweaters and add fun, new, silly ones to our collections. Below we’ve compiled a list of the 11 best pop culture Christmas sweaters, including references to Star Wars, Friends, Stranger Things, and more.
1. Star Wars AT-AT Reindeer Ugly Christmas Sweater; $55-$65

The AT-AT walkers made a memorable debut appearance in battle on the icy planet of Hoth in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. This sweater shows the walkers dressed up as Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, complete with antlers and a shiny nose.
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2. A Christmas Story Red Ryder BB Gun Sweater; $27

A Christmas Story has maintained its status as an all-time classic holiday film since its premiere in 1983. Call back to one of the movie’s most notable moments when Ralphie Parker fires his new Red Ryder BB gun outside and ends up knocking, and subsequentially, breaking his glasses with this sweater.

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3. Merry Christmas, You Filthy Hobbitses Sweater; $33

The Lord of the Rings saga wouldn’t be the same without the disturbing Gollum (or Smeagol, depending on the mood). One of his most iconic phrases is when he says “you filthy hobbitses,” in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Fans have now combined this with the similarly famous line “ya filthy animal,” Macaulay Culkin says in the Christmas film Home Alone, to create the ultimate holiday sweater.
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4. Marvel Thanos Oh Snap!! Ugly Christmas Sweater; $45

Though Thanos tried to ruin the universe by snapping away half the population, the Avengers, thankfully, were able to reverse his actions. Relive that moment when Thanos snapped the Infinity Gauntlet with a funny pun Christmas sweater.
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5. Elf Mr. Narwhal Hope You Find Your Dad Christmas Sweater; $27-$40

The Will Ferrell Christmas movie, Elf, has become a modern classic. This sweater reminds us of the scene when Buddy sets of on his adventure to New York City and is waved off by his friend Mr. Narwhal. Any fan will recognize and appreciate this sweater.
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6. Steve Harrington Christmas Sweatshirt; $30-$34

As the accidental babysitter of the kids from Stranger Things, cool guy Steve Harrington became an icon in the show’s first season. Now fans can’t get enough of him. So much so that he’s all some fans want this holiday season, and this sweater proves it.
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7. The Big Lebowski The Dude Abides Ugly Christmas Sweater; $50

The Big Lebowski isn’t a Christmas movie, but it has a huge fanbase. So whether it’s drinking White Russians or bowling with your buddies at the local alley, this sweater will let others know that you and the Dude abide.
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8. Eleven Days of Christmas Ugly Christmas Sweatshirt; $23-$25

Traditionally, the lead-up to December 24 is known as either the 24 or 12 days of Christmas, but what about 11? Eleven from Stranger Things is shaking things up with this Eleven Days of Christmas sweater that is bound to make fans of the Netflix show happy.
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9. Friends Central Perk Wreath Ugly Christmas Sweater; $48

Friends now has a whole new group of fans discovering the show through HBO Max. Demonstrate your love for the ‘90s show with this festive sweater designed to show off the Central Perk logo with a wreath behind it.
Buy it: Amazon
10. Harry Potter All I Want for Christmas Sweatshirt; $38

Are the Harry Potter movies Christmas or Halloween movies? If you’re team Christmas, this is the sweater for you. Featuring some of the best elements from the films like a Snitch, a chocolate frog, and a broomstick, this sweater shows off everything we’d want if we went to Hogwarts.
Buy it: Amazon
11. Dr. Seuss Grinch Ugly Christmas Sweater; $50

A Christmas isn’t complete without a visit to Whoville and a moment with Dr. Seuss’s the Grinch. Whether you’re a fan of the classic animation film or the Jim Carrey version, this sweater is bound to make your heart grow three times larger.
Buy it: Amazon