When the first installment of Gabriel’s Rapture arrives on Passionflix in November 2021, it will be the first time Professor Giuseppe Pacciani comes to life on screen. Christian Vit is the perfect choice to play Pacciani and I thought it would be fun to get to know more about him ahead of the movie’s premiere.
Sylvain Reynard fans have always loved to hate Pacciani (he’s a charming villain!) so Passionflix was faced with a huge challenge to find the perfect actor to bring him to life. They succeeded, big time.
Gabriel’s Rapture star Christian Vit wasn’t always an actor
Vit was born in Venice, Italy, and while he was interested in acting from an early age he finished his studies and set out to pursue a career in public relations and marketing. As he tells it, he wasn’t bad at it but it clearly wasn’t his passion, so when the opportunity to follow his acting dream came along, he seized it.
When it comes to choosing roles, he loves warriors and fighting and drama. They’re his “cup of tea,” in fact, and that’s why Vit made such a wonderful member of the Dorne contingent on Game of Thrones. (That Dorne look is still clearly present in his looks even though it has been a while since he was on the HBO hit series)
Vit talked about the project he worked on immediately following the lockdown, a short film called The Bench that was conceived during quarantine when he ran into a producer in a park. After exchanging ideas, the movie came about and now it has come to life and he’s very proud knowing he was able to create something under such trying circumstances.
He also enjoys taking on different kinds of roles, especially when they surprise people. Given his “macho” appearance people are always surprised to learn he loves doing comedy, and he also enjoys playing the underdog. “I like to challenge myself in this sense as an actor,” he noted.
Playing Pacciani in Gabriel’s Rapture was easy for him. He knew he had to take his own approach, though, because Pacciani is such a well-known character in Sylvain Reynard’s story. “From my side, when I received the [script], I said, ‘This Pacciani, he could be bald, full of hair, whatever. I’ll give my version.’”
Vit looks back fondly at his experience working on Gabriel’s Rapture. “It was a great experience, and they were lovely on the set,” he said. “I had a great time.”
You can catch the full interview with Christian Vit here, and be sure to watch him as Giuseppe Pacciani in Gabriel’s Rapture, coming in November to Passionflix.